变复数 That isn't a jacket

This is an eraser
Is it a yellow ruler Yes,it is
What's this in English? It's am orange
What's color is the quilt? It's white
It's my blue ball
Is this his computer? no it isn't,It's your computer

These are erasers.

Are they yellow rulers? Yes, they are.

What are these in English? They are oranges.

What color are the quilts? They are white.

They are my blue balls.

Are these their computers? No, they aren't. They are our computers.
第1个回答  2008-09-26
1.These are erasers.
2.Are these yellow rulers? Yes,there are.
3.Waht are these in English?They are oranges.
4.What's color are these quilts?They are white.
5.These are my blue balls.
6.Are these their computers?No,They aren't,they are your computers.