be used to do和be used to do区别是什么?


首先我们来看下used to do、be used to doing和be used to do的大致意思:

used to do:词性为短语,used是use的过去式,to do是不定式的形式

be used to doing:词性为短语,be used to是一个固定搭配,其后接动名词形式的动词

be used to do:词性为短语,be used是被动语态,to do是不定式的形式

通过下面的表格我们了解下used to do、be used to doing和be used to do的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下used to do、be used to doing和be used to do的用法区别:

1.词性:used to do是动词短语,be used to doing和be used to do都是动词词组


- I used to go running in the past, but I don't anymore.


- I am used to getting up early.


- This machine is used to make car parts.


2.含义:used to do表示过去的习惯或情况,be used to doing表示已经适应或习惯某种状态或情况,be used to do表示某物品被用于特定目的


- He used to like spicy food, but he doesn't anymore.


- I am used to the city life.


- This room is used as a storage space.


3.发音:used to do和be used to doing的发音相同,但与be used to do的发音不同


- I used to go swimming in the past.


- He is used to this kind of climate.


- This tool is used to repair computers.

