


1、She was a woman whom I greatly respected。她是我非常尊敬的妇女。

2、One of the members of the Ulas family,from Turkey,some of whom walk on all fours。乌纳塔恩家族的一名成员,来自土耳其,他们中的一些人四肢着地走路。

3、To whom do these goods belong?这些货物属于谁?

4、They exchanged views on the question of whom to elect。他们就选举谁的问题交换了意见。

5、someone for whom you have a deep affinity。和你有很深的姻亲关系的人。

6、You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile。你清楚他蓄意咒骂的人就是我。

7、The technicians whom we met yesterday had worked out a new automatic device我们昨天碰到的那位技术员设计了一种新的自动化装置。

8、I know the man whom I bind my soul to is unlikely my Messiah。我知道与我的灵魂相缚系的男人并不一定是我的救世主。

9、He is the man whom I met in Shanghai。他就是我在上海见到的那人。

10、a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved。与一个男子有浪漫关系的女孩或年青女子。
