
注意:不要给我自己去查字典或上网查这类回答。我要不是因为懒我需要在这提问么?= =

动词:play jump run find look ring work kick knock know lose send become bring take
choose eat fall drive feel watch run walk speak see listen jump sleep get put fight are is be eat skeat play clean swin turn do take spend buy have go come make waste want repair cost communicate throw
fly run jog laugh smile cry destroy,receive,hate,get,lose,win,go ,stay,check,swim,play,jump,kiss,take,carry,kick,hit,run,drink,eat...

名词:apple egg orange cat dog book pen pencil case desk table dictionary video tape shop cloth toy elephant film seat theatre cup,desk,student class,team,family rice,water,cotton love,work,life China,Newton,London man ,woman,tooth ,foot
father mother sister brother room floor house horse seat bed bread
book pencil pen knife wife wolf bag equipment school
celebrity,family,disaster,horror,love,peace,phenomenon,environment,ancestors,charity,dream,honey,doctor,document,construction,anxiety,genius,medicine,modern,strife apple egg orange cat dog book pen pencil case desk table dictionary video tape shop cloth toy elephant film seat theatre

形容词:private angry public friendly whole single exciting different valuable
main precious neat wooden musical proud amuing nervous weak irritable bright mad
determined modern strange upset sympathetic wicked wonderful comfortable rare

nice fine good healthy kind lovely friendly wonderful careful thin fat pretty joyful respectable able likely lonely ill sick crazy
第1个回答  2013-11-27
动词20个watch run walk speak see listen jump sleep get put fight are is be eat skeat play clean swin turn
cup,desk,student class,team,family rice,water,cotton love,work,life China,Newton
形容词15个:nice fine good healthy kind lovely friendly wonderful careful thin fat pretty joyful respectable able本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-11-27
动词20个watch run walk speak see listen jump sleep get put fight are is be eat skeat play clean swin turn
cup,desk,student class,team,family rice,water,cotton love,work,life China,Newton,London man ,woman,tooth ,foot
形容词:nice fine good healthy kind lovely friendly wonderful careful thin fat pretty joyful respectable able likely lonely ill sick crazy
第3个回答  2013-11-27
形容词:nice fine good healthy kind lovely friendly wonderful careful thin fat pretty joyful respectable able likely lonely ill sick crazy
名词:father mother sister brother room floor house horse seat bed bread
book pencil pen knife wife wolf bag equipment school
动词:watch run walk speak see listen jump sleep get put fight are is be eat skeat play clean swin turn