

发型同服装一样,也是外表美的组成部分。一个好的发型,能弥补脸型、头型的某些缺陷,使人显得神采奕奕,富有朝气。每个人都有适合自己的发型。不仅女士如此,男士也要有属于自己的发型!那么男士该怎样选择自己的发型呢? Know YourselfAs the first step in choosing the perfect hairstyle for yourself, you need to take a close look at yourself in the mirror. It is very important for you to know where you stand at present and where do you intend to reach. There are a number of questions you need to answer. Is your hair curly or straight? What is the texture of your hair? Is your hair manageable? Do you have a thick growth or have you started to move towards receding hairline? All these points will help you choose a hairstyle that suits you the best. 根据头发选择合适发型的第一步,就是仔细观察镜子里的自己。对自己的头发做个全方位的了解,然后选择适合自己的发型。你的头发是卷曲的还是直的?你的头发属于什么发质?你的头发好打理吗?你的头发偏厚还是偏薄?这些问题都可以帮助你选择一个最适合的发型。 Ascertain Your FeaturesYou facial features also play a great role in deciding the right haircut style for you. First of all, ascertain your face cut - oval, square, oblong, triangular, round, heart-shaped or diamond-shaped? Next, check out the facial features that you need to emphasize, like a square or round jaw, or the ones that you want to downplay, such as a protruding nose. All these factors will go a long way in determining the style that flatters you the most.根据脸形和五官选择合适发型时,你的脸形和五官也发挥了重要作用。首先,判断脸形。脸形一般分椭圆形、方形、长方形、三角形、圆形、心形或菱形。你属于那种脸型?然后,观察五官。你是想强调自己方形或圆形的下巴,还是想掩饰自己突出的鼻子?这些都是你选择发型要考虑的因素。 Decide The Overall LookHave you given a thought to the overall look that you want to give with the hairstyle? For instance, the hairstyle that will be sported by a college guy (who wants to look cool, hip, carefree and 'in') would be entirely different from the one donned by the CEO of the company (who has to look serious, hard working and committed). So, be aware of the perception that you want in the mind of other, who look at you. You might be unaware of it, but your haircut style speaks volumes about your personality. 根据整体外观你想呈现给人们什么性格呢?人们可以从你的发型中判断。比如,一个大学生的发型(看起来很酷,很随意,很潮)跟公司的CEO的发型(看起来很成熟,很稳重)完全不同。你的发型是给别人看的,不是给自己看的。发型会告诉人们你有什么性格。 Look AroundOh, no! We don't mean that you should start staring at other guys, checking out their hairstyle in detail. However, you can surely keep your eye open, especially in context of those people who have facial features that are almost similar to yours. Yet another option would be to browse through style magazines, checking out the hairstyles sported by people with almost similar facial features and hair characteristics as yours. 根据周围人这并不是让你盯着周围的人们,观察他们的发型。而是让你放开眼界,从茫茫人群中或各种时尚杂志中发现与自己脸形五官特征相似的人们,观察他们都选择了什么发型,你可以参考一下。 Talk To Your StylistAfter you have undergone a proper research on your part, it is the time to talk to your hair stylist. Make him/her aware of the facial features that you want to come out with the hairstyle as well as the ones you want to be downplayed. You might also mention the particular hairstyle (whether sported by someone in office or seen in a magazine) that you found appealing. Last, but not the least, be sure that he/she knows the overall appeal that you want to give out. Now, relax and let him/her work on your hair.根据发型师如果你进行了以上步骤后,接下来就该跟你的发型设计师讨论了。告诉他/她你的五官特征以及你想突出或掩饰的地方。可能你脑海中已经有了特定的发型(或在办公室或在杂志上看到的很吸引你的发型)。最后,也是最重要的,确保他/她知道你想要呈现的整体效果。