

According to People's Daily, sneakers by the old Chinese brand 'Warrior' have recently become quite popular in Europe and America.Warrior sneakers, priced at around 20 yuan a pair, have a history of 40 years in China.But in Europe, they cost around 50 euros (about 500 yuan) -- 25 times more than their domestic price. Many Hollywood stars are beginning to wear the Warrior sneakers, including Orlando Bloom, who played in The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean. Even the authoritative French edition of Elle magazine sings the shoes' praises, saying that they may challenge the popularity of Converse shoes in the eyes of young people.After Chinese-style woven bags were copied by international fashion brands, the Warrior sneakers appear positioned to be the next Chinese fashion hit.据《人民日报》报道,中国“老”牌球鞋回力鞋近日成为欧美的畅销货。回力鞋在国内有着40多年历史、售价仅20多元。在欧洲,它的身价至少翻了25倍,达到50欧元(约500元人民币)。主演过《指环王》、《加勒比海盗》的男星奥兰多-布鲁姆的带领下,越来越多的好莱坞明星开始穿回力鞋。不仅如此,最权威的时尚杂志ELLE法国版对它也有很高的评价: “这绝对是在挑战‘匡威’(鞋)在年轻人心目中的时尚主导地位。”继中国蛇皮袋被国外时尚品牌克隆后,中国球鞋再度创下时尚界的又一个奇迹。