
西欧烈日炎炎的夏日, 日本樱花盛开的暖冬, 印度空前的热浪, 都在向人们表明, 我们的地球正在不断地变得炎热.与此同时, 世界范围内极端气候事件又在不断发生. 中国华南地区严重的洪涝灾害, 重庆地区百年一遇的旱灾, 北方降水减少, 雷电天气剧增等, 使得2007年成为中国气候灾害事件严重的一年. 2008年新年伊始, 中国南方地区就遭受了百年不遇的雨雪冰冻灾害, 土耳其, 希腊等国也遭受了罕见的雪灾, 缅甸则遭受了强热带风暴的袭击, 10万人丧生. 隔洋相望的美国, 屡次遭受山林大火, 冰雹, 飓风的袭击. 频发的灾害性事件, 使得人们对未来气候的不确定性更加担忧.
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The Western Europe hot sun hot summer day, the Japanese flowering cherry is in full bloom the green winter, the Indian unprecedented heat wave, in indicated to the people that our Earth becomes unceasingly burning hot. Meanwhile, in the worldwide scale the extreme climate event unceasingly is occurring. As soon as the Chinese South China area serious flooding disaster, the Chongqing area hundred years meets the drought, the north precipitation reduces, the thunder and lightning weather sharp increase and so on, enables in 2007 to become China climatic scourge event serious one year. in 2008 at the beginning of the year, south China the area suffered the rare sleet to freeze the disaster, Turkey, countries and so on Greece also suffers the rare snow disaster, Burma has suffered the strong tropical storm's attack, 100,000 people got killed. Separates the US which the ocean faces one another, repeatedly suffers the wooded mountain fire, the hail, the hurricane attack. The frequency sends the catastrophe event, will cause the people even more to worry to the future climate uncertainty.
第1个回答  2008-07-18
Xiou Lie on the scorching summer, the Japanese cherry blossoms blooming in the warm winter, an unprecedented heat wave in India, people have to show that our planet is constantly becoming hot. At the same time, the worldwide extreme weather events also continue to occur. China South China's serious floods, drought in Chongqing Bainianyiyu, reduced precipitation north, lightning and other weather surge, making 2007 the Chinese climate disasters serious incidents a year. New Year at the beginning of 2008, the South China region to have suffered The rare freezing rain and snow disasters, Turkey, Greece and other countries also suffered a rare snowstorm, Myanmar, suffered a strong tropical storm of attacks, 100,000 people were killed. At the United States across the ocean, the mountains of repeated fire, hail, hurricanes Attacks.'s Frequent catastrophic events, made it in the future climate of uncertainty even more worrying.
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