
it is a boy loved football with all his heart. but being much shorter than the other boys, he got nowhere. even though the boy was always on the bench. his father was always in the stand cheering for his son and never missed a game . the father continued to encourage him but also made is very clear the he did not have to play football if he didn"t want to. but the bot made up his mind to try his best.

it was the end of his high school football season . one day , as he ran onto the practice field as usual , the coach gave him a letter , the young boy read it and became silent , it told the news of his father"s death. he asked for a leave and the coach agreed

next day, the coach and his players were surprised to see the boy come back so soon, “coach,please le me play. I "ve just go to play today. said the young boy. there was no way letting the worst player play in this final game. but the young boy insisted, and at last the coach agreed. before long everone in the stands could not believe their eyes. this little unknown player, who had never played before , was doing everything right. finally, the boy helped his team win the game.

the coach came to him and asked, “kind, tell me how you did it”

with tears in his eyes , the young boy explained that his dad was blind and he came to all his games, but today was the first time his dad could see him play, and he wanted to show his dad he could do it.


第1个回答  2013-10-20



