

卡文克莱 Calvin Klein(CK)/简介
  卡尔文克莱恩公司是由卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)和巴里·施瓦茨(Barry Schwartz)于1968年创建的,总部在美国纽约。

  Calvin Klein于1942年出生于美国纽约,1959年-1962年就读于著名的美国纽约时装学院(F.I.T)1962年-1964年担任丹·米尔斯坦(Dan Millstein)助理设计师,1964年-1968年为自由设计师,1968年与人合作创办CalvinKlein“卡尔文克莱恩”公司,1991年公司进行重组。

Calvin Klein简介
  Calvin Klein被许多人认为是美国最顶级的时尚设计师。其产品范围除了高档次、高品位的经典之作外,同时还是那些以青年人为消费对象的时髦的无性别香水和牛仔服装的倡导者。

  从1968年开始建立自己的公司到现在,Calvin Klein已在时装界纵横了三十年,享有盛名,并被认为是当今美国时尚的代表人物。他认为今日的美国时尚是现代,极简,舒适,华丽,休闲又不失优雅气息,这也是Calvin Klein的设计哲学。他说:我同时发现美式风格的本质也具有国际化的特征。就象纽约,他并不是一座典型的美国城市,而是一座典型的国际都市。伦敦,东京或是汉城也是一样。居住在这些城市的人会对我的设计做出回应,是因为他们的生活和需求都十分相似。现代人不论居住在哪儿,都有其共通性。

  极简风格是Calvin Klein在设计上的注册商标,也是现今的流行风潮,可是当极简风格不再是一种流行趋势时,他会改变吗?对这种疑问,自信的Calvin Klein曾说我觉得我的设计哲学更趋向现代主义,我会继续专注于美学一一倾向于强调一种纯粹简单,轻松优雅的精神。我总是试着表现纯净、性感、优雅,而且我也努力做到风格统一,以及忠于我的梦想。我想人们会因此更了解我想要呈现的是什么,他们会欣赏,并积极地回应。  

  Calvin Klein是位有着极敏锐的流行触觉的设计师,这几年先后流行过的内衣外穿风格。New Length(新长度)及膝裙不对称裙摆等都是由Calvin Klein率先推出的,他的设计对时装买家来说就是畅销和流行的保证。在世纪末,Calvin Klein相信未来的时装会越来越趋于休闲式的优雅,以在清爽、简单的轮廓中能够凸显身材优点为主。

  Calvin Klein不仅是一位时装设计大师,而且极具商业头脑,还是广告创意方面的高手。 70年代末,他进入了牛仔服装业,启用了当时刚刚成年的青春玉女明星BrookShields(波姬·小丝)任其牛仔服装的广告女郎,这是 Klein倍受世人争议的众多广告的开始:年轻的Shields甩动着飘拂的秀发,一只手轻轻地搭在臀部,用很磁性的嗓音说出了那句闻名全球的广告语: There`s nothing between Calvinand me(我和Calvin亲密无间),这在暗示她没穿内裤!80年代的牛仔服装业不大有活力,Klein借此空当在内衣和香水业领域里大展身手。从那时到现在,CK公司推出的香水Obsession(激情)、Escape(逃逸)、Eternity(永恒)、CKOne、CK Be、Contradiction(矛盾)无一例外地受到了消费者的喜爱,这当中引得舆论沸沸扬扬的各色广告功不可没。

  Klein的产品的重要风格之一就是性感,因此在他的广告中这一特点得到了淋漓尽致的发挥:他的广告常采用裸体人像,旨在创造完美的、艺术化的形象;但有时 Klein也会打些擦边球,比如在其内衣广告中启用一名似未成年的女模特摆出带色情意味的露底裤姿势,就引起了颇多争议,还遭到了英国广告标准署的干涉。在Calvin Klein的概念中性感是多种多样的,所以近来他的广告中不见了昔日的骨感与颓废,取而代之的是一群活力四射、青春健康、有着灿烂笑容的年轻人,那份热情的魅力轻易掳获了消费者的心。   

  Calvin Klein说他要为活跃于社交和家庭生恬,并在其中求取平衡的现代女性设计服装。她们是一群重视心灵,看起来亲切善良,但没有太多时间耗在穿衣镜前的女性。她们想要一种轻松、休闲而优雅的服饰,我相信这就是未来时尚所趋。就外貌来看,Calvin Klein女性,是清新、自然美丽的,不是一种不真实的魅惑力。

  Calvin Klein一直坚守完美主义,每一件Calvin Klein时装都显得非常完美。因为体现了十足的纽约生活方式,Calvin Klein的服装成为了新一代职业女性品牌选择的最爱。拥有诸如Julia Roberts, Helen Hunt, and Jennifer Aniston等一大批忠实fans.
第1个回答  2013-10-21
Calven Klain
第2个回答  2013-10-21
Calvin Klein, founder of Calvin Klein 1942 was born in New York, studied at the famous New York Fashion College in 1968 founded Calvin Klein "Calvin Klein".
Calvin Klein is a well-deserved for the nation's most well-known fashion designer. In addition to its product range of high quality, high-quality classic, Klein also to those young people as objects of consumption of non-gender fashion and perfume Jeans advocates.
Calvin Klein has high fashion, high-level clothing, jeans of the three major brands, and also operates casual wear, socks, underwear, sleepwear, swimwear, fragrances, eyewear, furnishings, and other supplies. Calvin Klein's has Calvin Klein, CK Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans of the three major brands, and also operates casual wear, socks, underwear, sleepwear, swimwear, fragrances, eyewear, furnishings, and other supplies. Calvin Klein of the most impressive is the unique marketing approach, from the perspective of a modern re-interpretation of jeans, underwear, perfume, nude or semi-nude image, constantly teasing the audience with visual, and the sexy Calvin Klein brand image of the designated first-class , Starting from the 1970s and 1980s set off a whirlwind.

, Calvin Klein advocating minimalist and modern, will feel that the use of a large number of silk, satin, linen, cotton and wool, and other natural materials, with neat tailoring and neutral colors, a perfect image of a clean, but also laid a Calvin Klein's Design tone. In the early design, Calvin Klein introduced a simple and generous suit jacket, was favored by the New York department store, so that well-known Calvin Klein opens; After, Calvin Klein's simple lines and restrained design, to create a comfortable and pleasant attitude of the clothing , And style as a result of a simple and easy-to-the advantages of mass production, by that time will be the middle and upper class people like the taste.

70 in the late 1990s, Calvin Klein has launched a new denim line to a beautiful baby Brooke? Snow Andress nude endorsement and advertising on television, said: "I and my Calvin between nothing!" Very provocative Words in series from CK jeans and sexy, sharply boosted sales. , Published in 1982 Underwear Underwear Series, CK again very image of the charm of advertising, from underwear to the daily lives of the people must-have item to the pursuit of the fashion arena. Calvin Klein perfume is a major, 80 of Obesession, Eternity and Escape, for Calvin Klein to add a number of topics, and in 1994 launched the first of cK One perfume and neutral after the cK be, is once again provoking the success of the gender barriers The concept, so that Calvin Klein scale new peak.

In 2003, New York, PVH Group M & A Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein himself to the backstage and has been replaced by Francisco Costa and Italo Zucchelli as the design director for men and women, but the recent launch of the designer of the new 2012 series design, the two still Continuation of the Calvin Klein has always been the spirit of simplicity will be maintained CK enduring classics.本回答被网友采纳