

When I am free, I like playing games, especially computer games. Playing games makes me relaxed. I usually play computer games at the weekends, because I have much free time then. In weekdays, I can only play small games, because I must finish my homework first. Playing games before sleep do not influence on sleep and my parents agree me to do that. I am happy they do not forbid me playing games.
第1个回答  2013-10-27
35. 问:什么是补录?答:补录,是指学校完成首轮招生并从学生处获得入学反馈后,如录取确认名额未满,则进行二次的录取挑选,从而将合适的学生进行一次录取。假如A校有3个录取名额,在申请截止日期2月15日之前收到了5份留学申请,分别来自于Eva、Susan、James、Tommy和David。其中Eva和Susan是最优秀的,所以学校给Eva和Susan发了录取通知;而James本身也符合学校的录取条件,但因为录取名额所限,便放到waiting list(候补名单)里面;而Tommy和David因为条件不符合,就直接被拒了。3月15日,各校开始发榜。Eva本来申请了6所学校,结果实际收到了A校、B校和C校的offer。经综合考虑,Eva最终在4月1日学校要求答复的最终截止日期选择了A校;而类似的,Susan选择了B校。这种情况下,A校还有一个空缺。如果没有其他申请人,James就会得到录取;但是如果别的申请人,如Kent在合适时间点提交申请并比James有显著的优势,则Kent会拿到A校的最后一个录取名额。
第2个回答  2013-10-27
C、申请者的课外活动和兴趣爱好。比如What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?/ Do you have any hobbies or special interests?