

第1个回答  2022-06-25


宾语从句的常用用法包括使用that引导的陈述句,例如We knew (that) we should learn from each other,使用if和whether引导一般疑问句,例如Please tell me if。直接引语变成宾语从句是直接引用别人说过的话,间接引语是转达别人说过的话。

2、 宾语从句用法归纳


宾语从句即指在主从复合句中用作宾语的从句。宾语从句通常由连词 that 和 whether (if) 以及连接代词或连接副词引导。宾语从句的词序要用陈述句词序,不能用疑问句词序:


误: I don't know what does he want.

正: I don't know what he wants.

2. 宾语从句的引导词

(1) 用 that 引导。 that 只起引导词作用,不充当句子成分,也没有词义,且通常可以省略:

We think (that) he will help us. 我们认为他会帮助我们。

He said (that) he was good at English. 他说他擅长英语。

I know (that) he is very busy. 我知道他很忙。

(2) 用 if 或 whether 引导。 if 和 whether 引导宾语从句,不充当句子成分,但有词义,表示 “ 是否 ” :

I don't know if [whether] he will come. 我不知道他是否会来。

She asked if [whether] that was enough. 她问那是否够了。

I wonder whether [if] it is true. 我不知道是不是真的。

(3) 用连接代词引导。常见的引导宾语从句的连接代词有 what, who, whom, which, whose 等。此时要特别注意宾语从句用陈述句词序,而不用疑问句词序:

Ask him which he wants. 问他要哪一个。

She asked who would like to go. 她问谁愿意去。

Tell me whose wallet this is. 告诉我这是谁的钱包

【注】 what 引导宾语从句时,有时表示 “ 什么 ” ,有时表示 “… 所 … 的 ” 。比较:

I asked what he needed. 你问他需要什么。

I gave him what he needed. 我给了他所需要的东西。

(4) 用连接副词引导。常见的引导宾语从句的连接副词有 when, how, where, why 等。此时要特别注意宾语从句用陈述句词序,而不用疑问句词序:

He knows where they live. 他知道他们住哪里。

Tell us how you are getting on now. 告诉我们你现在过得怎样?

I can't tell you why she is crying. 我不能告诉你她为什么哭。

He didn't say when he would return. 他没有说什么时候回来。

3. 宾语从句与形式宾语 it

当宾语从句后跟有宾语补足语时,通常在宾语从句处使用形式宾语 it ,而将真正的宾语从句移至句末:

I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你最好住这儿。

He hasn't made it known when he is going to get married. 他还没宣布他何时结婚。

4. 宾语从句与否定转移

当动词 think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine 后接一个表示否定意义的宾语从句时,其否定通常转移到主语:

I don't think that he will leave. 我认为他不会离开。

I don't believe that it is easy. 我相信这不会容易。

