
1.从学校大门口出去右拐,到了刺桐路右拐,直走就可以看到巴士停靠站2.你可以一直往前走,看到交通信号灯后右转直走,到了十字路口就可以看到火车站3.你可以一直往前走,看到交通信号灯后左转直走4.前面直走过两个路口后左转,直走就能看到购物中心  要翻译成通顺的句子,万分感谢.!!!

第1个回答  2012-02-04
1. From the school gate out right, CiTong way to turn right, straight can see the bus stop 2. You can go straight ahead, see after the traffic lights turn right and go straight, come to the crossroads can see the railway station 3. You can go straight ahead, see the traffic lights turn left straight 4. Go straight ahead after two crossroads, turn left and walk straight can see shopping center have to translated into idiomatic sentences, thanks.!!!!!!!!!
第2个回答  2012-02-02
Out from the school gate, turn right into Coral Road, turn right, go straight, you can see the bus stops (2) you can always move forward, see the traffic lights turn right go straight to the intersection you can see station 3, you can always move forward, see the traffic lights turn left straight after the 4 front straight through two intersections and turn left, straight ahead you can see the shopping center
第3个回答  2012-02-05
1.The school gave out right. CiTong way to turn right. Straight you can see the bus stop.
2. You can go straight ahead, see after the traffic lights turn right and go straight, come to the crossroads you can see the railway station.
3. Go straight ahead after two crossroads, turn left and walk straight you can see the shopping center.
第4个回答  2012-02-03
From the school gate. Turn right to go out to the coral road, turn right, go straight you can see the bus stop
2 you can always go forward to see traffic lights, turn right go straight to the crossroads, you can see the train station
3 you can always go forward, see the traffic lights turn left straight after the 4 walk straight in front of two crossing and then turn left, go straight to see the shopping center本回答被提问者采纳