英语翻译: 你今晚能来参加我的生日宴会(possible)

依我之见,经常出尔反尔的人,不值得信任(break one's promise ,worth)

Is it posiible for you to come to my birthday party tonight?
Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their specialty.
Lack of communication between parents and children has become a socal problem.
In my point of view, those who often break their promise are not worth trusting.
第1个回答  2012-01-30
Is it possible for you to join my birthday party tonight?
We should encourage young people to choose his career according to his strength.
It has come into a problem that lacking of necessary communication between parents and children.
In my view,man who often breaks his promise is not worth to being trusted
第2个回答  2012-01-30
is it possible for you to come to my birthday party tonight?
we should encourage young people to choose a major they are good at.
the lack of communication between parents and their children is a problem within today's society.
in my opinion, those who break one's promise are not worth trusting.