请大家帮忙一下 翻成英文 要用括号的单词哦

近几年,这个城市建成了三条地铁线路(in the past few years)
压力是影响健康的主要因素之一(one of)

in the past few years, the city built three different subway routes
Although the company is very small, i am able to learn a lot of things
Let's start saving water now (or let's start to save water)
Shopping online brought us a lot of convenience
Remember to call (your) mother often, or she will miss you
Pressure is one of the main factos that impact (negatively on) health
第1个回答  2012-01-28
In the past few years, three subways were built in this city.

Although this company is very small, I learnt a lot.

Let's start saving water from now on.

Shopping on-line brings us a lot of convenience.

Pls give your mother a call often, or she will miss you very much.

Pressure is one of the reasons that effect our health.
第2个回答  2012-01-28
In the past few years,the city has built 3 subway lines.
Although the company is very small,I learnt a lot of things.
Let us save water from now on.
Shopping on line brings to us a lot of convenience.
Frequently to call mum or she will miss you very much.
Pressure is one of the factor that effect our health.