如何用英文表达「赞同」?赞同他人的 8 个英文例句


第1个回答  2022-10-15

当你赞同对方说的话时,你会说”You are right.”,但是你就没别的话可以说了吗?又或者你对他的话大致上赞成但持保留态度,又该怎么表达呢?

Let’s talk 的英文老师整理出了 8 组句子,在不同的情境之下表达对他人的认同,相信你学会之后也可以适当的回应,在任何状况下都能处变不惊罗。

1. Yes, that’s right.


例如若有人问你”Are you the sister/brother of someone?”,你可以回答”Yes, that’s right.”

2. You’re quite right.


例如,Mark最近在闹离婚,他的朋友John问他”Hey, you’re divorced, right?”Mark便可以回应”You’re quite right, my divorce is in process.”

3. Yes, that’s correct.


ex.”Are you an English student?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

4. That’s spot on.

英国俚语,主要用于赞誉、认同,意思相近于”well done”, “perfect”或是”right on”。

ex. The food in England might not always be so good, but the brew in the pubs are spot on every time.

5. You’re dead right (there).


ex. You are dead right about his idea. It just will not work.

ex. He is dead right. Our products are not petitive.

6. You’ve hit the nail on the head.


ex. Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a puter without knowing how it works.

7. You could say so.


例如,若你跟朋友去看完电影之后,你朋友说”The movie was awesome.”而你回答”You could say so, because everyone else didn’t like the movie.”

8. I’m afraid so.


ex. Alice:Do you have to go?

John:I’m afraid so.


That's spot on, You're dead right, You've hit the nail on the head, 对的 英文, 正确的 英文, 肯定 英文, 认同 英文, 赞同 英文, 赞同英文
