三分钟搞懂 though / although / even though / despite / in spite of 中文意思跟用法!


第1个回答  2022-11-11

 though / although / even though / despite / in spite of 用法跟中文意思 ,你都懂了吗?很多人写英文的文件或是作文时,常犯的其中一种错误叫做「中式英文」,而这种问题通常源自于字义解释上的模糊,而这种状况就是有很多个英文单字,用中文翻译起来是一样的意思。

在这些字中,最让人混淆的就是 though / although / even though / despite / in spite of,这五个的英文意思都是「虽然…」,但是其中还是有一些不同之处,因此,英文老师 Adam 在 Engvid 上介绍了如何分辨这一组相似字。

一般来说,我们会将 though / although / even though 放在同一类,而 despite / in spite of 则放在一起。

1. though / although / even though + 副词子句(S + V)

though :这是一个相对不正式的用法,除了放在句首,也可以放在句末。

although :它和 though 是一样的意思,也有近乎一模一样的用法,但是要注意的是,although 不可以放在句末。

even though :可以看到这个词组多了一个字「even」,特别强调所连接的副词子句,语意上通常用在强调「(落空的)期待」。

2. despite / in spite of + 名词

despite in spite of 的用法与语意基本上完全一样,这两个可以互相代换。

e.g the exam was difficult, I think I did well.

= I think I did well the exam was difficult.

although 可以放在句首或是句中,但是要注意放在句中实,前面不需要打上逗号。

e.g I think I did well the exam was difficult.

= the exam was difficult, I think I did well.

= The exam was difficult. I think I did well, .

though 与 although 用法一样,但是 though 可以放在句尾,要注意的是,如果要把 though 放在句尾,前面主要子句以及副词子句必须拆成两个独立的完整句子。

e.g the exam was easy, I failed.

这里可以看到使用 even though 时,特别强调「(落空的)期待」。

e.g his best efforts, the man just couldn’t succeed.

= The man just couldn’t succeed his best efforts.

= his best efforts, the man just couldn’t succeed.

= The man just couldn’t succeed his best efforts.

despite 与 in spite of 用法一样,可以放句首或句中,后面接上名词。

e.g being on time to the lecture, we were still not admitted.

因为 despite / in spite of 词性是介系词,后面只能接上名词或是动名词。



although, although 中文, although 意思, although 用法, although例句, despite, despite 中文, despite 意思, despite 用法, even though, even though 中文, even though 意思, even though 用法, in spite of, in spite of 中文, in spite of 意思, in spite of 用法, though, though 中文, though 意思, thought 用法, though句尾, 字汇, 易混淆字, 英文, 英文 易混淆字, 虽然 英文
