

第1个回答  2023-02-02

你们那时每天有很多家庭作业吗英文:Did you have a lot of homework every day

1、She always gives us far too much homework. 她总是让我们做多得不得了的家庭作业。

2、He let us off homework today. 他今天免了我们的家庭作业。

3、You could tell that he had really done his homework. 你能看得出他确实做好了充分准备。

4、How much homework do you get? 你有多少家庭作业?

5、I still haven't done my geography homework. 我还没做完地理科家庭作业呢。

6、How long did you spend on your homework? 你做家庭作业用了多长时间?

7、I've got a lot of homework tonight. 我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。

8、Do exercise one for homework. 家庭作业做习题一。