

第1个回答  2022-07-21













(参考资料:《社会心理学》第四版 南开大学出版社)

We don't have to be psychologists to know that giving an agree-upon definition of love is a murderously tough task. Well, what does love look like in the scope of psychology?

Triangular theory of love, formulated by Sternberg, offers us a framework to describe and think about love. Sternberg hold that 3 basic elements universally presents in all kinds of love:

(1) intimacy: an emotional feeling which brings both partners closer. It is the emotional component of love.

(2) passion: a drive going in hand with storming emotional experience, such as charming appearances and sexual needs. Passion has a motive function.

(3) commitment: referring either to the decision of loving someone in a short period, or to the promises of maintaining a long-term relationship. Commitment is the cognitive element. 

There exists 7 types of love dependent upon the different proportions each element consisting of. Mathematically speaking, there should have been 8 types, but it is self-evident that a relationship in the absence of all 3 elements does not count as love.

(1) Liking: this type of love only has intimacy;

(2) Infatuated love: passion is dominant. This type is commonly found in teenagers' relationships. 

(3) Empty love: there is no intimacy nor passion, but commitment. Empty love often appears in those marriages planned by parents and matchmakers in ancient China. 

(4) Romantic love: a combination of passion and intimacy;

(5) Companionate love: the passion decays, while the intimacy and commitment remain. Old couples are best demonstrations of this kind of relationship;

(6) Fatuous love: passion and commitment without intimacy. 

(7) Consummate love: this type includes all 3 elements and it is the peak experience of love. 