

第1个回答  2024-05-30
New Year's Day -- January 1st
Valentine's Day -- February 14th
St David's Day -- March 1st
St Patrick's Day -- March 17th
Holy Saturday -- the day before Easter
Easter -- between March 21st and April 25th
Easter Monday -- the day after Easter
Good Friday -- the Friday before Easter, a day of religious services to commemorate Jesus' crucifixion. It is a public holiday in the UK with traditional hot cross buns being eaten.
Ascension Day -- Forty days after Easter, on a Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday.
Pentecost -- Seventy days after Easter, also called White Sunday.
Lady's Day -- March 25th, also known as Annunciation Day (the annunciation of the天使报 detail).
April Fool's Day, All Fools' Day -- April 1st
Queen's Birthday -- April 21st, a celebration of the Queen's birthday.
Shakespeare's Day -- April 23rd, a celebration of Shakespeare's birthday, also known as St George's Day.
May Day -- May 1st, a festival to welcome spring.
Beltane -- May 1st
Commonwealth Day -- May 1st, a celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday.
Queen's Official Birthday -- June 10th or the preceding Saturday, replacing the Queen's birthday on April 21st as a public holiday in the UK.
Pancake Day -- The day before the Christian Lenten period begins, forty days before Easter.
Mother's Day -- Second Sunday in May
Bank Holiday -- First Monday in May and the last Monday in August
Review Troops Day -- Second Saturday in June
Midsummer's Day -- June 23rd
Halloween -- October 31st
Hallowmas, All Saints' Day -- November 1st
Guy Fawkes' Day -- November 5th
Christmas Eve -- December 24th
Christmas Day -- December 25th
Boxing Day -- December 26th
Maundy Thursday -- The Thursday before Good Friday, the day of the "Last Supper."
National Day -- The King's official birthday
Bank Holiday -- Bank holidays in the UK are eight days in total, which are nationwide holidays not exclusive to banks. These eight days are the most popular holidays of the year, coinciding with school holidays, and many people take the opportunity to enjoy a longer weekend by going to the seaside or the countryside.