求英语情景剧剧本 6篇都是4个人的

situation1 一个同学和其他3人在杭州旅游时走丢了,把手机、钱、身份证、卡...都放在了包里,但是包在坐公交车时丢失了丢失了
situation3 假如你是一家公司的收货员 经理让你试着把最新的冰箱买给爱斯基摩人,经理会扮演爱斯基摩人,你和其他2个售货员向他推销,然后他决定买谁的冰箱,

A; Hey. guys , where are we now? I guess we have got lost in this city!!
B: Yeah , I think so too. this is not our destination.
C:Lets look up the map... uhm.... the place we stay is ,....(looking the map).
D: oh. come on, this is the first time we come here. my mum must be very nevers if she konws i get lost in Hangzhou!
B;Dont worry . boy. behave like a man!
A:lets make a telephone to my friend who ilves in Hangzhou for years. (finding the phone) Oh my god! i lost my packet in the bus! what can I do now!?
B: calm down ,boy. tell me the detial about this.
A: I put my packet behind me when I am sit in the bus . and i must forget to get it back!
C: Do you remember the number of that bus?
D: I remember ! that is ******
C; Oh thanks godness!!
B: lets go to the police station over there..


你未说明具体要求 ,例如 多长的对话. 我写了第一个.如果你觉得有问题可以问我,

之后我可以把其它部分发给你. 学习愉快!追问



A: 走丢的同学 B: 路人 C:警察 D: Mike 和其他人

A: where are they ?? (looking around...) I think I should make a telephone call to Mike.
Oh my god! I lost my packet in the bus! what can I do now!
B; hey boy . why are you looked so worry?
A; I lost my packet in the bus. and i got lost with my friend. i can not contact them now!
B: easy , easy. do you remem ber the number of the bus/
A : no. i didnt pay attention to that.
B: um... (thinking...) there is a police station . i will go there with you,
A ; that is too fine . thank you
B: you are welcome
C 上场
C: may i help you. guys .
A: i lost my packet in the bus. and i dont remember the number of the bus .,
C;what is your name?
A: my name is ***
C: okay. dont worry . we got camera on every bus , and what time do you get up to the bus?
A: i got up the line 7 at 8 am. form ** to ** (地点自己填)
C : okay. you just wait here. and i will tell you if i get any news about this,
(C 作接电话状...)
C: OKay. yes .. yes,.. what is their friends name ? okay . you take them here.
B: any advance?
C : yes. his friends are looking for him too. my pater will take them here.
D 上场..
D; thanks godness, i finally find you! you dont know how nerves you make me!
A: thanks to B and the police first! they give me a big favor!
D: Haha.. i forget.
B orC: you are welcome! Be carefull next time.~
A: I will.


thank you very much ,有没有其他几篇的呢?


有的 告诉我邮箱 我下午发给你.


[email protected]


A经理 B C 员工

A:OK. now tell me you idea about selling the refrigerator to Eskimo.

B:all right. first of all, i know that eskimo is very cold ,and most of them dont use refrigerator .

but i will tell them that the refrigerator can help them keep the food fresh.

A; what about you C?

C: um... i think that i will tell them that if you buy our refrigerator i will send they a gift

A :what kind of gift would you send to them

C:All right , i will send them small gift like some clothes

A :sounds good.

B : i have a idea too. i will promise to them that they can use the refrigerttor for free

in two months

A. um.. that is a good idea . both of your idea are very nice. and i will consider them .

B; oh.. before i forget. i would like to said that, we can promise they that we can help them to

fix the refrigerator in two years.

C, yes. we also can send the refrigerator to their house when they buy it.

A : um,.. you both smart guys.

section 2 的内容我不是很理解 . 请再整理下


原题 : You and other two of your classmates are intited to talk show in zhejiang tv . The host is interviiewing you becase one of your classmates dicided to quit school to take park in the Supergirl Singing Context . You and your classmate have different opinions on her decision Everyone experesses their opinions as the show moves on.


A 你 B 你同学 C 主持人

C: okay, A , can you tell me your opinion about your friend B will quit school to take part in the

supergirl singing cntext?

A: I am really sorry to hear that. as a student ,our main mission is to finish our school work

and we should pay all the attention to that. i cannt understand that why she decide to quit


B: I will insist my decicion, study is not our only way to success, as we konw , nowaday, the

socity needs difference kinds of talents. singer is a good profession,

A: yeah , i know that, but do you dare to gurantee that you will be success in that context?

B: of course not. but that do not mean that my choice is wrong ,

A: Do you think about that you can be a singer after you a university man/

B: that is too late. I want to quit school now, and i dont like to waste time at school an more!

A:come on, believe me , you will be regret one day

Bl:that is my business. and i have faith to do that, i will be great singer

A:i hope so.


第1个回答  2019-12-21
第2个回答  2011-10-02
没人, - -! 分给我吧,大哥哥。