
1.她变得越来越漂亮了。(more and more)
2.我的妹妹唱歌唱的相当好。(pretty well)
3.这个字母代表什么?(stand for)
4.你愿意和我交朋友么?(make friends)
5.在这个国家,他是一位非常有名的作家。(famous writer)
7.他明天将动身去日本(leave for)
8.在回家的路上我能看见很多花。(lots of)
9.吉姆来参加了我的聚会,简也来了。(as well)
10.我认为游泳对我的肺有好处(be good for)

第1个回答  2011-10-04
1.She is becoming more and more beautiful.
2.My sister sings songs pretty well.
3.What does this letter stand for?
4.Would you like to make friends with me?
5.He is a very famous writer in this country.
6.Both me and my father like reading books.
7.He will leave for Japan tomorrow.
8.I can see lots of flowers on the way home.
9.Jim came to take part in my party,and Jane came as well.
10.I think swimming is good for my lungs.
希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~
一楼百度翻译器翻译的 二楼第2句缺宾语 第三句谓语使用错误本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-04
1、She became more and more beautiful.
2、My sister singing sing pretty well.
3、The letters stand for?
4、Would you like to make friends with me?
5、In this country, he is a very famous writer.
6、Both my father and I are like reading.
7、He will leave for Japan tomorrow.
8、On the way home I can see lots of flowers.
9、Jim come to my party,as well Jane.
10、I think swimming is good for my lungs.
第3个回答  2011-10-04
She becomes more and more beautiful.
My sister sings pretty well.
What's this letter stand for?
Would you like to make friends with me.
In this country, he is a very famous writer.
Both my father and I like reading.
He will leave for Japan tomorrow.
On the way home I can see lots of flowers.
Jim came to my party, Jane came as well.
I think swimming is good for my lungs.