
分别是be crazy about,go through,be concerned about,只要英语解释,不要中文的

第1个回答  2005-09-06
1、be crazy about = be possessed by enthusiasm or excitement for / be itensely involved or preoccupied for

2、go through
1. go through - go or live through;
2. go through - apply thoroughly; think through;
3. go through - go across or through;
4. go through - eat immoderately;
5. go through - pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue;

3、 be concerned about =be ANXIOUS about =be WORRIED about
第2个回答  2005-09-07
be crazy about: wildly excited;enthusiastic
go through:(of a law,bill,etc)be officially approved or accepted; be successfully completed
be concerned about:be worried about,be troubled about
第3个回答  2005-09-07
摘自 柯林斯英语词典 上海外语教育出版社
be crazy about
crazy: 1 略
2 略
3 If you are crazy about something, you are very enthusiastic about it.
If you are not crazy about something, you do not like it.
An informal use. He’s still crazy about both his work and his hobbies.
I’m also not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.
4 If you are crazy about someone, you are deeply in love with them;
an informal use. None o fthat matters, because we’re crazy about each other.

Go through: 1 If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.
He was going through a very difficult time.
South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.
2 If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes, you look at them, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item.
It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.
3 If you go through a list, story, or plan, you read or check it from beginning to end.
Going through his list of customers is a massive job.
4 When someone goes through a routine, procedure or series of actions, they perform it in the way they usually do.
Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.
5 If a law, agreement, or official decision goes through, it is approved by a parliament or committee.
The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.
Concern: 1 略
2 If something concerns you, it worries you.
It concerned her that Bess was developinga crush on Max.
Concerned I have been concerned about you lately.

另, 牛津高阶双解词典
concerned: adj concerned (about/for sth/that…)
worried; troubled

参考资料:牛津高阶双解词典 柯林斯英语词典

第4个回答  2005-09-07
Here is the perfect answers for your askings:
crazy about, be

Also, be mad about. Be immoderately fond of or infatuated with, as in I'm crazy about lobster, or George is mad about his new saxophone. The first expression dates from the early 1900s. The second, with mad, is much older; Shakespeare had it as mad for in All's Well That Ends Well (5:3): “madde for her”; and mad about was common by the mid-1700s.

go through

Examine carefully, as in I went through all the students' papers. [Mid-1600s]
Experience, undergo, suffer, as in We went through hell trying to find an answer. [Early 1700s]
Perform; also, rehearse for performance. For example, I went through the sonata in ten minutes, or Let's go through the third act again. [Mid-1700s]
Use up, complete, as in The children went through all the milk we bought in one day. [Mid-1900s]
Succeed, be approved, as in I'm sure this new deal will go through. [Late 1800s]
go through with. Complete, carry out, as in They got engaged last year, but I'm not sure they'll go through with the wedding. [Mid-1500s]

the last one is Interested and involved: sent a memorandum to those concerned.
Anxious; troubled: the concerned parents of youthful offenders.
第5个回答  2005-09-07
be crazy about=be driven nuts
go through= get over
be concerned about= be care about
翻得比较俚语了点, 呵呵