中文简历 翻译成英文

请帮忙翻译本人中文简历至英文 定万分感谢 积分倾囊相送

 语言: 普通话 非常流利 英语达到大学英语四级水平
 计算机:能从事各类系统维护,数据库开发,网页开发,
 个性:性格开朗,乐于助人,兴趣广泛,求知欲强,精力充沛,热爱运动,勤学肯干,为人热情向上,积极进取,实事求是,有高度的团队精神
 北京科技大学计算机科学与技术系
 北京市第十三中学
 所学主要课程
 必修课程
C语言程序设计 C#语言程序设计 多媒体与数字图像处理
人工智能 微机原理与接口技术 模拟电子技术 数字电子技术
机械制图 电路学 通信学 计算机控制 模式识别 办公自动化 计算机管理系统
 自学课程

 2004—2005暑假 必胜客肯德基餐厅服务员
 2005 2006年暑假 军事博物馆讲解员
 2005年暑假 皇马中国行 票务销售代表
 2007年暑假 马自达4S 店 销售顾问
 2004-2007 北京科技大学青年志愿者协会会长
 2004-2007 北京科技大学足球协会宣传部部长
 2004-2006 北京科技大学体育部副部长
 2005年暑假 MS Office 高级应用学习
 2006年暑假 VC++环境制作学生课程管理系统
 2007年暑假 C#环境制作教学系统个人负责投票活动管理器
 2007年暑假 使用89C51单片机制作计算器基本功能
 大学英语CET-4 514分
 北京科技大学优秀共青团干部
 青少年科技博览会优秀志愿者





第1个回答  2007-10-05
Individual skills
 languages: Mandarin very fluent English to university level English 4
Proficiency in English to read various documents and technical manuals
 computers: to engage in various types of system maintenance, database development, web development,
Planar images of a variety of applications such as
 personality: character, cheerful, helpful, interested in broad, strong thirst for knowledge, energy, love sports, hard work hard, people warm up, proactive, pragmatic, a high degree of team spirit
Educational experience
• Beijing University computer technology in science and technology
• 13 schools in Beijing
• learned main courses
• compulsory courses
College English, computer architecture, operating systems, computer graphics
Computer Architecture, Advanced Mathematics (1), probability and statistics, linear algebra
Discrete mathematics, data structures and algorithms, numerical algebra, database theory
Assembly language, physics CCBP, numerical analysis, software engineering, computer network
C programming language C # programming language multimedia and digital image processing
Computer artificial intelligence theory and simulation interface technology electronic technology digital electronic technology
Mechanical Drawing circuitry of computer communications office automation control pattern recognition computer management system
• self-study courses
VC + + 6.0 application VFP6.0 applications, Home Technology
PHOTOSHOP5.0, MS OFFICE, basic accounting
JAVASCRIPT Application

Work experience
• 2004-2005 summer KFC Pizza Hut restaurants Attendants
• 2005 2006 military museum guide the summer
• 2005 summer Real Madrid's China tour ticketing sales representative
• 2007 Mazda summer 4S store sales consultants
• 2004-2007 Beijing University youth volunteers technology Association
• 2004-2007 Beijing University technology Football Association's Propaganda Department
• 2004-2006 Beijing technology college sports minister

School Practice
• MS Office 2005 summer learning advanced applications
• 2006 summer VC + + programs produced student management system
• 2007 summer production of teaching C # environment for the individual voting system for the management of
• 2007 summer production of calculator use 89C51 basicfunctions ________________________________________
Obtain the certificate
• College English CET - 4 514 points
• Beijing University outstanding technology CYL cadres
• Technology Expo outstanding youth volunteers
Beijing University Sports advanced personal technology

I really and sincerely recommend evaluation

I learn to clear, assiduously study to better results completed all professional courses in after-school time to learn the latest computer knowledge, constantly enriching themselves. At the same time actively involved themselves in social practice and, on the one hand to join Center students organized activities for students; On the one hand, play their computer skills, participation in the construction of the project size, the theory and practice of tightly together.

In my years in university life tempered matures, people of honesty, integrity, skills courtesy thoughtful, sincere enthusiasm, strong social skills, respect for teachers, classmates unity, the students of a certain prestige and influence. Agile work thinking, well-planned, but stick to principles than to listen to, their own opinion, have a strong sense of responsibility, study hard, get along well with colleagues work together to solve issues, the prioritized, compact and orderly completion of the required tasks.

The class graduated from the Chinese University, I also hope to be in a class of my company's value. I will be in the "down-to-earth" principle, I have to play the full spirit, creative talent, building blocks for the building of socialism.

In July 2008 I will be completed undergraduate studies. Good education, a strong will, pragmatic style so that I have the confidence in the future work and give full play to their abilities and realize their value. This foresees sincerely hope I can provide an opportunity to accept new challenges.
