

第1个回答  2012-03-27
Unit 1 Will people have robots?
1.由“Will/Shall+动词原形”构成的一般将来时.系动词am、is、are的原形都是be.如:It will be very hot tomorrow. Shall适用于第一人称I、We; Will适用于所有人称,通常可以用will来代替shall. Will、Shall均可缩写为’ll.如I will=I’ll; she will=she’ll.否定句形式:will not=won’t, shall not=shan’t .
2.与一般将来时连用的时间状语有:tomorrow、the day after tomorrow、next week、soon、in the future、in three days、some day.
3.There be句型中的一般将来时.
There will be+名词+其他成分 如:There will be fewer cars.
More 更多的 原形many和much. 修饰C复数或U.
Fewer 更少的 原形few. 修饰C复数.
Less 更少的 原形little. 修饰U.

Unit2 What should I do?
Should和can、may、must等情态动词一样,无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,能独立构成疑问句和否定句.如:Who should pay the taxes? You shouldn’t play football in the street.
单独的情态动词,表“能,可以”.用来提供建议,后跟动词原形.它和should都用来提供建议.如:----I will take part in a party tomorrow night,but my clothes are out of style. I need some money to buy some clothes in style. What should I do?
----You could borrow some money from your friends.
----No,I don’t like to do that.
----Then you should get a part-time job and make some money.
○1You should/could +do … 你应该/可以…
○2Why not +do…? 为什么不 …?做…怎么样?
○3Why don’t you +do…? 你为什么不 …?
○4What/How about +doing …? …如何?

Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
1. 过去进行时表在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作.是由“was/were+现在分词”构成.was用于第一、三人称单数,were用于其他人称.与过去进行时连用的过去时间状语有:at this/that time、yesterday morning、at that moment、at 10 o’clock last night等.
2. 过去进行时还可表在过去某个时间即将发生的动作.主要限于come、go、leave、meet、arrive、take off等动词.
3. 判断句子是否用过去进行时.
○1根据时间状语判断:at eight/ten o’clock last night、at this/that time yesterday、at ten yesterday evening、from 7 to 10 yesterday evening等.
○2根据when或while引导的状语从句判断,如:I was reading the newspaper when my father got home.
○3根据上下文的意思判断,如:Last night,I was watching TV. Suddenly(突然) the light was out.
4. when与while在过去进行时中的句型结构.
(1) when的用法:
动作:fell into the sea、fishing.
例句:When one of them fell into the sea,the boys were fishing.
动作:walking、dropped down to.
例句:When I was walking in the park,my wallet dropped down to the ground.
(2) while的用法:
动作:watching、began to rain.
例句:While I was watching the football game,it began to rain.
例句:While Dad was washing his car,Mum was cooking.
5. 特别提示.
When we arrived in shanghai,it was just eight o’clock.(when指一点时间)
When/while we were watching TV,he came in.(when与while指一段时间)
!注意:while (×)we arrived in shanghai…

Unit4 He said I was hard-working.
1. 含义:引述别人的话时,采用两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,两边用引号标出,称为直接引语;二是用自己的语言转述别人的话,称为间接引语.引述或转述要由动词来承担,有:say、tell、ask、think、write等.
2. 直接引语变间接引语的方法.
(1) 从句人称的变化.
○3直接引语的主语是第三人称变化时人称不变. 如:
They said,“We will go there by bus.”——They said they would go there by bus.
She said to me,“Are you interested in science?”——She asked me if I was interested in science.
His mother told me that he couldn’t go to school.
(2) 从句动词时态的变化.
He says,“I have finished my homework.”——He says that he has finished his homework.
She will say,“I’ll do it tomorrow.”——She will say that she’ll do it the next day.
◇6一般将来时——过去将来时. 如:
The girl said,“I’m sorry for being late for class.”——The girl said that she was sorry for being late for class.
He said to me,“I am writing a letter.”——He told me that he was writing a letter.
(3) 直接引语如果是客观事实或真理,变化时,从句时态不变. 如:
The teacher said,“The earth moves around the sun.”——The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.
3. 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化.
(1) 指示代词变化:this——that. these——those等.
(2) 时间状语变化:now——then. today——that day. yesterday——the day before. tomorrow——the next day等.
(3) 地点状语变化:here——there.
(4) 动词变化:come——go. 如:
She said,“I will come this evening.”——She said that she would go that evening.
He said,“My sister was here three days ago,but she is not here now.”——He said that his sister had been there three days before,but she was not there then.
4. 间接引语的语序及引导词.
直接引语变化时,间接引语应用陈述句语序.直接引语如是陈述句,主句与从句之间用that引导,有时可省略;如是特殊疑问句,主句与从句之间就用原来的疑问词引导;如是一般疑问句,主句与从句之间用if或whether引导. 如:
My teacher said,“I come from shanghai.”——My teacher said that he came from shanghai.
He asked me,“Where do you come from?”——He asked me where I came from.
I asked her,“Did you watch the game yesterday?”——I asked her whether she had watched the game the day before.

Unit5 If you go to the party you’ll have a great time!
1. 含义与结构.
If you ask him,he will help you.
2. 用法.
(1)条件状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”.主句不能用be going to表将来,而应该用shall、will.
○1If you leave now,you are never going to regret it.(×)
○2If you leave now,you will never regret it.(√)
(3) if引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时(主将从现).注意宾语从句中的if与条件状语从句if的区别.宾语从句中的if“是否”相当于whether,引导宾语从句,时态需根据语境确定.如:
I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow.

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?
1. 概念及构成.
现在完成进行时表从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作,而且还要继续下去,其结构:助动词+have/has been+动词ing.现在完成进行时的句子中多用延续性动词,如:live、learn、study、work等.常与for tow hours、since 1996、all this morning、these few days等表示一段时间的状语连用.如:
I have been cleaning the room all this morning.我今天一上午都在打扫房间.
I’ve been studying English since I was 4 years old.自从4岁起我就一直学英语.
2. 现在完成进行时的句型.
(1) 肯定句:主句+have/has been+动词ing+其他.如:
I have been learning English for ten years.我学英语已经十年了.
I have been collecting stamps since I was ten years old.我从十岁起就一直在集邮.
(2)否定句:主语+have/has +not +been+动词ing+其他.如:
I haven’t been seeing films for a long time.我有很长时间没有看电视了.
I haven’t been doing my homework since eight o’clock.从8点钟我就一直没做作业.
——Have you been doing your homework since this morning?从今天早上你就一直在写作业吗?
——Yes,I have.
——Has he been writing the letters to his friend?他一直在给他的朋友写信吗?
——No,he hasn’t.
(4) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?如:
How long has it been raining? 雨下多久了?
What book have you been reading recently? 最近你在看什么书?
3. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别.
(1) 现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时侧重的是动作的持续进行.如:
I have read a book about birds. (已经读完)
I have been reading a book about birds. (一直都在读,现在还在读,还会继续读下去)
She has been singing all the day.她都唱了一整天了.(抱怨,厌烦)

Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?
1. Would you mind…?的用法.
Would you mind…?意为“你介意…吗?”,mind后接动词ing形式.如:
Would you mind moving your bike?
Would you mind not singing here?
(1)在Would you mind +doing…?结构中,doing为动名词,用来提出客气的请求.动名词是由动词原形加词尾ing构成,其构成法与现在分词一样.
(2)Would you mind…?之后接sb.’s doing形式,用来询问,征求对方的意见(在非正式的文体中,doing形式之前的所有格可换成宾格形式).如:
Would you mind my(me) smoking here.
He enjoys walking in the park.
I finished reading the book yesterday.
Would you mind opening the window.
2.动名词的否定式:Would you mind not doing…?如:
Would you mind not shouting?
3.回答带有mind的问句时应该注意yes或no都是针对mind选用的.表“介意,在乎”时,选用yes,后面跟句子,意思是不让对方做某事.表“不介意,不在乎”时,选用no,后面跟句子,意思是允许对方做某事.如对Do you mind my smoking here?的回答,用Yes,you’d better not.是的,你最好别抽.用No,certainly not.不介意,你当然可以抽.
You shall buy that book tomorrow.你应该明天买这本书.
Shall I close the window? 我关上窗户好吗?
(2) should表义务、责任或劝告.有“应该、应当”之意.如:
You should learn from each other.你们应该互相帮助.
(4) will表意志、意愿.有“愿、要”之意.如:
Will you help me with my work? 你愿意帮我做作业吗?
(5) would是will的过去式,表请求个人想法,语气比较婉转.如:
I would like to express(表达)my thanks to you.我非常感想你.

Unit8 Why don’t you get her scarf?
(1) Let’s+动词原形.如:
Let’s go out for a wolk.
(2) shall we+动词原形.如:
Shall we meet outside the school gate(大门)?
(3) How/What about+名词或动词ing形式.如:
What about this one?
How about playing football?
(4) You’d better(not)+动词原形.如:
You’d better catch a bus.
You’d better not take in class.
(5)Why don’t you+动词原形?或Why not+动词原形?.如:
Why not make it earlier?
Why don’t you come with us?
(6) Would you like+名词或动词不定式?如:
Would you like a cup of tea?
如同意对方的建议,回答:Good idea/Great/Cool/Certainly/OK/Of course/Yes,please/Yes,I think so/All right/I agree with you/I’d love to.
如不同意,回答:NO,let’s…/I’m afraid not/No,thanks/I don’t think so/I don’t agree.

Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
第2个回答  2012-01-03
第3个回答  2012-03-24