

第1个回答  2012-01-24
A new era has imperceptibly come. Do not know from which day, found himself cannot do not have the time to carefully look at the classic one afternoon Shakespeare or" a dream of Red Mansions". Usually just mediocre in the enjoyment of sit, have nothing to do, a slice of potato chips, it makes me sick, listen to Jay Chou, the lyrics but I never understand, the time, Shangjie was a giddy feeling. Suddenly found there is little touched people's article, excessive sentimentality and be flashy without substance text already in the deep of my heart ripped a hole, no sympathy, left large tracts of emptiness. Inadvertently, I saw" the giant's garden.". Five yuan a color page of the book, is still very new, but surprisingly cheap. Does not belong to the popular book list, only to have the memories. -- on the title page of the book is written in such as giant sealed himself in a high wall, he doesn't understand why the spring would not visit his garden, wind and snow in the garden rages, any shuttle ... ... Until one day, he awoke to the sound of birds flowers, found throughout the garden are alive. And every tree sat a boy, originally in the play they saw the giants are scared and ran away to, immediately returned to the winter garden. And only one little boy did not go, little he could not climb the tree is a giant sobbed, holding him to a tree, the tree suddenly glow spring splendor, the little boy tears gratefully kisses the giant, see light suddenly I, giant pulled down the walls of the garden, which I do not know his heart wall has collapsed. Since then the garden are children's laughter, the giant looked at their heart is warm, but the little boy is never came, all the children in the giant like him, because he had kissed her, but nobody knows his whereabouts, the child changed a batch another batch, giant also grow old. It was a winter morning, the giants finally met the boy, he invited the giant to his garden. The very next day, the children find the giant slept in the garden, covered with flowers, a happy smile on his face ... ... Wilde quietly came to me, told the story of the giant garden, telling fables and fairy tales, laughter and tears, his incessant. When the love and beauty is clear, is slow, lack of dance music and RAP rhythm. However these have to accompany my childhood memories of the Lun Mei Huan fairy has over the years turnover and gradually lost, mind fragmentary again also does not make a complete story. A lot of things through, but not touched, but abandoned. While we are experiencing, is the dream of the dissipation and mediocrity, vanity and desire for each other. Cultural entertainment, historical nihility, language anomie, artistic consumption ... ... Clear up our hearts. In some city, fish scales skyscraper, cocky bulldozers cut us and the age of innocence contact. Today's children in Kentucky, the Lord of the rings, detective Conan ... ... Under the influence of growth. They almost with these beautiful fairy tale no margin. Modern people not only to the stranger from indifference, even forgot his own soul. Do not know, in this cold cement jungle, who would think of the giant garden boy -- the open giant lonely heart angel? I think I might be lucky, after all these wonderful stories ever accompanied my childhood, now lost to become my unexpected treasures. Old age should always be replaced by the new era, but in this one, our hearts still alive?追问



