

第1个回答  2015-04-01
楼楼 不知道这个行不行

Music,like poetry, has perhaps always been part of the DNA of the human soul. Ever since music appeared in the world, the humansoul has been less lonely. In the depthsof the soul, there are a lot of hidden little secrets; only music can arouse theripples of that underground spring. Music is also a key, and this key is a TimeTunnel which can open doors to our hopes and dreams. Music is akind of beauty to enjoy. It makes me intoxicated, sets my mind at ease, and bringsme joy! Music is the tender sprout on the willowbranches, and a breeze blowing on it to shake out many thoughts. Music is the trembling dewdropon thetip of a blade of green grass, brewing sweet dreams in dedication to the sun. Music is thousands of kites flying upward withlovely smiling faces; it carries hope and happiness.
Music is aninvisible enlightenment bringing comfort to millions. When the great Beethoven was faced with thethreat of deafness he did not choose to quit, but continued to compose music. Even though Chopinwas exiled from his native Poland, his mazurkas speak to his patriotic passion. We can imagine Tchaikovsky standing beside alake and careful observing the elegant movements of swans, or Holst sitting athis desk while his pen is trying to musically capture the fire of Mars. The two Chinese characters which combine tosay "music" are "sound", and "happiness". A song is a combination of sounds in space,and all songs that make me happy I consider good. It doesn't matter if I don't understand thelanguage being sung. Those sounds stilldelight me.
I like the inclusiveness of themusic, the way it brings people together. When I attended the last K-Pop concert festival in Los Angeles, I noticedthat a large portion of the audience were non-Asian. It's a very special feeling when you'resinging along to the same song with thousands of strangers. Suddenly they feel less strange, and we areall united together by our love of the same musical artists. Music becomes theglue, the common ground of humanity. Itis also like an informal introduction when you look at someone's playlists oriTunes library. You feel like youalready understand something important about this person you've just met.
Throughout history music has servedmany functions. A melody announces thearrival of royalty, or a drum beat instructs the soldiers to attack. Watching a movie or tv show won't be the samewithout music. Sometimes the soundtracktells us what's going to happen next before it even happens. Snare drums accompany 007's punches in"Dr. No", a blues guitar echoes the melancholy of a broken heart orrelationship. Commercials use music tosell us things, politicians have campaign songs, music plays while we'rewaiting, in an elevator or on the telephone.
Music is not only a fun song withwords, rhythms, and melodies, but it also has a more profound and serious side.Monks, Buddhist or Gregorian, use music as meditation or an aid to memory. Music can help those with Parkinson's orAlzheimer's. It is difficult to imagine what will happen if we live in a worldwithout any type of music. Music is myteacher. He teaches me the philosophy oflife and enriches my days. Music is alsomy friend. I am never without Her.
