

第1个回答  2022-11-03
Je veux briser le statu quo


Je veux briser le statu quo


Je veux briser le statu quo

怎么办 如何打破现状
Imagining is not dreaming. Maybe to a(n) extent (1) but it is more than that. Imagining is being creative. We owe all the inventions (2) and developments to imagination, without which, I bet (3) we would still be cavemen. Knowledge is important but imagination is even more important. Imagination deals with the future and knowledge deals with the past. Imagination creates and knowledge manages (4). Imagination breaks the norm and knowledge maintains the status quo. A leader needs imagination to create a vision (5). A manager needs knowledge to operate the organization. An organization with only managers will be obsolete eventually (6). Not only is it important in business. Imagination is required to solve problems that mankind have, and move humans to a higher level of achievement (7) and well being. How are we going to solve global warming? How are we going to eradicate poverty (8)? We need imagination to e out with the solutions. Einstein wouldn't have realized the theory of relativity if he had not utilized (9) his imagination. In any field, if you are a leader, you need to imagine, for the breakthrough (10).



维持现状,打破现状,激励现状,突破现状是管理控制工作的什么? 控制工作要达到的第二目标是什么? A
根据教科书:1.管理控制工作的挑战规律 rules of challenges. 2.C.改变现状比较接近。谨供参考!
Provide financial rmation as an accounting rmation system in the enterprise management plays an important role. 20 century, along with the development of modern rmation technology, human society entered the rmation society and the age of the knowledge economy. Accounting rmation processing also from manual to operate in accounting puterization, handling technology and rmation on a significant change. Its accounting function of accounting theory and put forward a互series of new task of accounting pattern, the traditional gradually being broken, new accounting theories and ideas gradually established. Realization of puterized accounting is not only the traditional manual accounting of inheritance and development, more important is to accounting work efficiency and its role in the enterprise management has bee a great promotion effect. Therefore, the research development of accounting puterization has great theoretical significance and has great realistic meaning.