
1.你要这个吗?(就是拿一个东西,问对方要不要带回家,问对方需不需要)(我记得好像可以用have got)
5.我在这里没有认识多少人 (还是有1,2个认识的)

第1个回答  2012-09-30
1. You've got this, haven't you ? or You've got this, don't you ?
2. After wearing an outfit, it makes you feel like dividing the body into a top third and a bottom two-thirds.
3. I thought all the ABC (American Born Chinese) can speak Chinese (Mandarin).
4. I don't want to come over so early.
5. I don't know many people here except one or two. / I know nobody around here but one or two.
6. I don't feel comfortable sitting (standing alone) here.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-09-30
1. Do you want this?
2. With the outfit on, one would look as if he or she had been cut in two parts; the upper part is one third of the body and the lower part is two thirds of the body.
3. I thought all ABCs couldspeak Chinese.
4. I don't want to go/come so early.
5. I don't know that many people here.
6. I feel weird/awkward here.
第3个回答  2012-09-30
第4个回答  2012-09-30