

第1个回答  2023-02-21
十六、Special Conditions 特别条款

1.for special instructions please see overleaf 特别事项请看背面

2.at the time of negotiations you will be paid the draft amount less 5% due to… 议付时汇票金额应少付5%付给……(注:这种条款是开证行对议付行的指示)

3.which amount the negotiation bank must authorise us to pay 该项金额须由议付行授权我行付给(注:指佣金的金额)

4.if the terms and conditions of this credit are not acceptable to you please contact the openers for necessary amendments 如你方不接受本证条款,请与开证人联系以作必要修改

5.negotiations unrestricted/restricted to advising bank 不限制议付行/限于通知行

6.(the price)including packing charges (价格)包括包装费用

7.all documents must be separated 各种单据须分开(即联合单证不接受)

8.beneficiary's drafts are to be made out for 95% of invoice value, being 5% commission payable to credit opener 受益人的汇票按发票金额95%开具,5%佣金付给开证人

9.drafts to be drawn for full CIF value less 5% commission, invoice to show full CIF value 汇票按CIF总金额减少5%开具发票须表明CIF的全部金额

10.5% commission to be remitted to credit openers by way of bank drafts in sterling poungds drawn on…this commission not to be showed on the invoice 5%佣金用英镑开成以……为付款人的银行汇票付给开证人,该佣金勿在发票上表明

11.freight and charges to be showed on bill of lading etc. 提单等(单据)须标明运费及附加费

12.cable copy of shipping advice despatched to the accountee immediately after shipment 装船后,即将装船通知电报副本寄交开证人

13.one copy of commercial invoice and packing list should be sent to the credit openers 15 days before shipment 商业发票和装箱单各一份须在装船前15天寄给开证人

14.the beneficiary is to cable Mr.…stating L/C No., quantity shipped name & ETD of vessel within 5 days after shipment, a copy of this cable must accompany the documents for negotiation 受益人应在装船后5天内将信用证号码、装船数量、船名和预计开航日期电告……先生,该电报的副本须随同单据一起议付

15.all documents except bills of exchange and B/Lading to be made out in name of A.B.C.Co. Ltd. and which name is to be shown in B/Lading as joint notifying party with the applicant 除汇票和提单外,所有单据均须作成以A.B.C.有限公司为抬头,并以该公司和申请人作为提单的通知人

16.signed carbon copy of cable required 要求(提供)经签署的电报复本

17.both shipment and validity dates of this credit shall be automatically extended for 15 days at the date of expiry 本证的装船有效期均于到期日自延展15天

18.amount of credit and quantity of merchandise…% more or less acceptable 证内金额与货物数量允许增减……%

19.credit amount and shipment quantity…% more or less allowed 证内金额与装运数量允许增减……%

20.shipment samples to be sent direct by airmail to buyer before shipment 装运前须将装船货样直接航寄买方

21.cable accountee name of steamer/carriage number, quantity of goods and shipment date(or E.T.A.) 将船名/车号、货物数量及装船期(或预抵期)电告开证人

22.all banking charges outside Hongkong are for account of accountee 香港以外的全部银行费用由开证人负担

23.drawee Bank's charges and acceptance commission are for buyer's account 付款行的费用和承兑费用由买方负担

24.port congestion surcharge, if any, is payable by openers inexcess of this documentary credit amount against evidence 如果有港口拥挤费,超过本证金额部分凭证明由开证人支付

25.amount of this credit may be exceeded by cost of insurance 本证金额可以超过保险费部分

26.this letter of credit is transferable in China only, in the event of a transfer, a letter from the first beneficiary must accompany the documents for negotiation 本信用证仅在中国可转让,如实行转让,由第一受益人发出的书面(证明)须连同单据一起议付

27.letter of guarantee and discrepancies are not acceptable 书面担保和错误单据均不接受

28.admixture 5% max. including organic matter such as weed and inorganic 杂质5%,包括有机物(如杂草)和无机物

29.include this symbol “丹” in the shipping marks on each side of the carton(that is four markings in one carton) 包含有“丹”字记号的装船唛头刷在纸箱的每一面(即每个纸箱要刷四个唛头)