
老师组织我们采访学校的外教,帮忙写一点采访的内容,像“Do you like china?Why?”等等,问题越多越好。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-12
What do you think of chinese food?which taste you think that is special for you?
What is the most amazing thing you have seen so far?
How do you find us chinese students speaking English?
Are you used to the life here?
Comparing China with other places that you have been to,what are the differences?
第2个回答  2008-03-23
What do you think of chinese food?which taste you think that is special for you?
What is the most amazing thing you have seen so far?
How do you find us chinese students speaking English?
Are you used to the life here?
Comparing China with other places that you have been to,what are the differences?
第3个回答  2008-03-23
How do like Chinese food?
Do you think China plays a more important role on the world stage?
How do you think of China's effort on Beijing Olympic Games?