
1.Amateur video shows United Nations peace monitors edging their vans through anti-government protesters.这个句子里edging是什么意思呢?

2.“I think it is a sign that the conflict is intensifying and that it is bringing into play(这里的paly不是动词吗?为什么用原形?) a whole new dynamic of Islamists who are determined to hijack the revolution,” said Phillips.再麻烦说一下这个句子的意思。

3.Writing is thinking, and it is discovering what you think. Writing is a way of finding out about your world. Writing is a way to change it! That is a powerful thought. 麻烦翻译一下,没明白powerful thought 指什么

4.(Usually it is possible, however,) to decide whether a piece of writing is mainly narration or mainly description or mainly exposition.括号里是完全没明白的地方,麻烦翻译

5."And now we see some elements of the opposition are violating the proposed ceasefire and that will give the Assad regime another pretext for continuing what it(为什么这里会有it,what在这里不做主语吗?) is already doing, which is massacring its own people,"

6.the events are told in the same order 求翻译

7.Because the events happened in a certain order, it is important that the sentences in the story follow one another in a certain order.什么是follow one another?我只知道follow you这种加宾语的方式……或者翻译一下也行。

第1个回答  2012-05-19
2.play也有名词的词性,这里bring into play是开始发挥作用的意思;后面那句就是说又有一股新兴的伊斯兰势力想要窃取革命的果实(没有上下文可能不太准确,我也是按着自己的想法写的,要是不对就麻烦发个上下文吧)