we should not造关于保护环境的句子各15个,带汉译


第1个回答  2012-05-19
We should protect the environment, not randomly throws trash 《我们应该保护环境,不乱丢垃圾》
Not only we must protect the environment, but also must treasure the water resources 《我们不仅要保护环境,还要珍惜水资源》
We should be saving paper《我们应该节约用纸》
We should attach importance to environmental protection《我们应该节约用电》
We should use less disposable chopsticks《我们应该少用一次性筷子》
We should reduce the use of white trash《我们应该减少白色垃圾的使用》

We should take good care of the flowers and trees《我们应该爱护花草树木》
We should eat the food clean《我们应该把饭菜吃干净》

We should not throw waste batteries《我们应该不乱扔废电池》
We should reject the consumption of wild animals, doing a good friend of the animals.《我们应该拒绝食用野生动物,做动物的好朋友。》
We should waste separation recycling《我们应该垃圾分类循环回收》
We should try not to use less detergent, switch to alkaline washing dishes《我们应该尽量不使用或少使用洗涤剂,改用碱水洗碗》
We should use energy-saving lamps《我们应该使用节能灯具》
We should not straw burning《我们应该不焚烧秸秆》

We should eat chewing gum《我们应该少吃口香糖》

第2个回答  2012-05-19
We should not use too many plastic bags.
We should use recycle bag.
We should not throw rubbish carelessly.
We should discard our rubbish carefully.
We should recycle papers, cans, glass containers and many more.
We should not throw away useful materials, or materials that can be recycle.
We should not change our appliances when they are still in good conditions.
We should maximize the use of our electrical appliances.
We should not cut down trees unnecessarily.
We should plant more trees to protect the environment.