

第1个回答  2023-01-01
the shirt of a happy man

A long time ago, in a beautiful country living an unhappy king. He does not sleep well and does not want to eat. He always looks pale. He often cries for no reason This makes the queen and his subjects very worried.
One day a doctor was admitted to the palace to check the king. But he found the king's body no disease. Are in his mind. Medicine and rest can not help him. What he needs is a piece of clothes for a happy man. That will make him happy.
The minister was recruited into the palace, but when they explained the king to him, he said: "Although I have great power, but it does not make me happy I always worry about losing my power Many people want to replace me position.
Then the king 's banker came to the palace and he said, "I'm afraid I'm not happy I have a lot of wealth, but I always worry about losing my money Every day someone wants to steal my money.
Later, the king 's singer came to the palace, but he said: "I am famous and everyone likes my song, but I am not happy, because I always worry about being imitated by others, I can not be free.
Finally, the king's generals were sent to find a happy man in three days.

The general looking for ah, but could not find a person. It seems that everyone has their own problems, no one really happy. Two days have passed. Just when he wants to give up, he sees the street having a poor man. He is eating his hand, happy to sing their own songs. The general went up.
General: Hello! I am the supreme king.
Poor: hello, generals. What can i do for you today?
General: I just heard you singing, it sounds like you are happy.
Poor: that is because I am very happy.
General: But I do not understand. What makes you so happy You have no power, money and reputation.
Poor: I have everything I want, I do not want anything I do not have. So I am very happy, my song from my inner happiness.
General: then I need to give your shirt to the king. Is it in your bag? How much do you want?
Poor: Shirt? What shirt? I do not have a shirt!

