

第1个回答  2023-08-22



1、He goes on to suggest that 360 reviews are often used for anonymous ax grinding.他继续指出,经常会使用360度测评进行匿名评审。

2、Some anonymous blogs are said to be run by journalists who put their unprintable stories online.据说有一些记者利用匿名博客把不能登报的新闻发到网上。

3、What's wrong with anonymous types?匿名类型有什么问题?

4、The anonymous function takes two market data as arguments: a ticker symbol and a price.匿名函数的参数是两项市场数据:股票代码和价格。

5、Their anonymous perpetrators look like cowardly hooligans, not heroes.这些匿名的作案者看起来更像流氓,而不是英雄。

6、An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the money of the consolation prize.一个匿名的捐献者站了出来,为安慰奖提供了奖金。

7、In most cases, you will need a dedicated IP address for Anonymous FTP to function.在大多数情况下,你将需要一个专用的IP地址的匿名ftp的功能。

8、And we must also grapple with the issue of anonymous speech.我们还必须解决匿名发表言论的问题。