英语介绍自己的书包 翻译 不希望有生词 要背给老师 否则不会读 快


第1个回答  2014-08-01
My bag我的书包
This is my favourite bag,which was bought by my parents last year. (这是我最喜爱的书包,去年我父母买给我的)I love my bag very much because it has some lovely aniamls on it(我很爱我的书包因为它上面有很多可爱的动物). I also like my bag that is one of my friends now(我也爱我的书包,它现在是我的一个好朋友). There are many good things in my bag, such as interesting books , beautiful pens, delicious food and so on(有很多好东西在我的书包里,比如有趣的书,漂亮的钢笔,美味的食物等等). I study hard and make progress every day with my dear bag, one of my friends .(我和我的书包每天都在努力学习,天天向上)That is all, thank you !(到此结束,谢谢)

my pencil-box
i have a beautiful pencil-box, 我有一个漂亮的文具盒
it is from birthday,my mother bought it from the store.它来自我的生日那天,是我妈妈从商店买的
it is red and yellow,他由红色和黄色组成
there is a clock on it,他的上面有个闹钟
when you open it ,you can see a mirror on it,当你打开它时,你能看见一个镜子
so i think it is very useful.所以我觉得他特别的实用!追问

谢谢 没有生词我可以顺利的背下来 方便留一个联系方式么 以后可以方便解答


