

第1个回答  2008-05-16



  May I have a menu, please?(我可以看菜单吗?)


  What is the specialty of the restaurant?(这家店的招牌餐是什么?)

  Do you have any special meals today?(今天有什么特餐吗?)


  1.冷菜(cold dish)

  火腿沙拉 ham salad 鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad

  蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad


  清汤 light soup; clear soup

  浓汤 thick soup 红菜汤 borsch

  奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup

  3.鱼虾(fish and prawn)

  俄式煎鱼 fish a la Russia

  奶油汁烤鱼 baked fish with cream sauce

  铁扒大虾 grilled prawns

  4.素菜(vegetable dish)

  黄油杂拌蔬菜 mixed vegetables with butter

  清煎土豆饼 fried potato cake

  咖喱素菜 curry vegetables

  5.鸡鸭(chicken and duck)

  烤鸡 roast chicken 炸鸡 deep-fried chicken

  比利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken


  总会牛排 club steak 法式牛肉扒 French steak

  烤羔羊腿 roast lamb leg

  法式猪排 pork chop a la France


  蛋奶酥 souffle 巧克力冻 chocolate jelly

  松饼 puff pastry 鲜水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad

  Key sentences(重点句子)

  244.What can I get you to drink?


  245.I'd like a martini, please.


  246.Are you ready to order?


  247.I'd like the leg of lamb.


  248.Okay,vegetables are peas and carrots, broccoli, cornor string beans.


  249.I'd like the char broiled steak.


  250.Oh,and French dressing on the salad, please.


  251.What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?


  252.I think we'll have country soup this evening.


  253.How about a fish casserole for each?


  254.I'll have fried sole.


  255.Would you like the steak well done or rare?


  256.What would you like for dessert?


  257.Vanilla icecre am for all of us then.


  258.Would you care for something to drink?


  259.Yes,a bottle of white wine.Dry.


  Dialogue A

  Waiter:Good evening,ladies.Here's your menus.What can I get you to drink?

  Karen:I'd like a martini, please.

  Jean:A glass Of white wine for me.

  Waiter:Okay. Two specials, charbroiled steak and leg of lamb.

  Jean:What are you having,Karen?

  Karen:The leg of lamb sounds good to me.

  Jean:I think I'll get the charbroiled steak.

  Waiter:Okay.Okay, vegetables are peas and crrrots, broccoli, corn, or string beans.

  Karen:Peas and carrots.


  Waiter:Okay.What of dressing?French,Italian,blue cheese,Russian?


  Jean:I'd like the charboirled steak.


  Jean:And I'd like it medium-rare.And with the broccoli.And baked potato.

  Waiter:Okay, fine.

  Jean:Oh,and French dressing on the salad,please.

  Waiter:Okay,fine.I'll take your menus.

  Dialogue B

  (Lin=L Clerk=C Waiter=W Mr.Green=MrMrs.Green=Mrs)

  (8∶00 p.m.at the restaurant)

  W:Here's the menu for this evening.I'll come and take yourorder when you're ready.


  L:What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?

  Mrs:I think we'll have country soup this evening.

  L:I know both of you fancy fish.How about a fish casserolefor each?I had it here last Wednesday.It's wonderful.

  Mrs:I'm afraid it's too rich for me.I'll have fried sole.

  L:And Mr.Green?

  Mr:I'll have the same.

  W:Can I take your order now?

  L:Yes,country soup for all three of us,two fried soles and a beef steak.

  W:Would you like the steak well done or rare?

  L:Well done.

  W:Very good.And what would you like for dessert?

  L:(To the Greens) What do you say to vanilla icecream?

  Mr and Mrs:Very good.

  L:Vanilla icecream for all of us then.

  W:Very good,sir.Would you care for something to drink?

  L:Yes,a bottle of white wine.Dry.

  Words and Expressions

  menu n.菜单

  martini n.马丁尼鸡尾酒

  steak n.牛排

  charbroil vt.用木炭火烤

  sound good (口语)听起来不错

  pea n.豌豆

  carrot n.胡萝卜

  broccoli n.花椰菜

  corn n.玉米

  string bean n.菜豆

  bake v.烤

  mash vt.捣烂

  country soup 乡下浓汤

  fancy v.喜欢

  casserole n.焙盘

  fish~ 鱼锅子

  vanilla n.香草

  care for 喜欢,愿意

  wine n.葡萄酒

  dry a.干(的),不甜的

  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  229.I'd like to try some Chinese food.


  230.It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say,eight styles,such as Cantonese food,Beijing food,Sichuan food,etc.


  231.Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?


  232.Contonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.


  233.Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.


  234.So what's your recommendation for me?


  235.I think Ma pobeancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.


  236.What would you like to have tonight?


  237.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?


  238.We have Guang dong food,Sichuan food and Shanghai food.


  239.Could you tell me the different features of them?


  240.Guangdong food is a bit light,while Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste,and Shanghai food is oily.


  241.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.


  242.We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.


  243.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.


  Dialogue A

  (The waiter is explaining something to Johnson.)

  A:Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. Can you tell me where I should go?

  B:We serve Chinese food here. But I'm not sure which style you prefer?

  A:I have no idea about Chinese food.

  B:It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say, eight styles,such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food,etc.

  A:Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?

  B:Yes,Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.

  A:How about Sichuan food?

  B:Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.And they taste differently.

  A:Oh,really,I like hot food.So what's your recommendation for me?

  B:I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.We have a Sichuan food dining-room. May I suggest you go there? It's on the second floor.

  A:Thank you.

  B:My pleasure.

  Dialogue B

  (A:Waiter B:Mr Frank)

  A:Mr Frank,what would you like to have tonight,Western food or Chinese food?

  B:When I was in America,my friend,Mr.Dull recommended me to have Chinese food,and I appreciate it very much in-deed.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?

  A:We have Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Shanghai food.Which one do you like best?

  B:I don't like anything greasy.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.

  A:O.K.。How about saute prawn section,saute lobsterslices with mushroom?

  B:All right.I'll take them all.

  A:Mr.Frank,do you like to use chopsticks?If you don't,I'll get you fork and knife.

  B:If I can have them,so much the better.

  A:Do you like some soup?

  B:Yes, I don't know what soup you have.

  A:We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.

  B:Good.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.

  A:According to the specifications of Chinese food, we serve dishes first and then soup.If you like we'll bring you some soup first.

  B:I'm used to having soup first.

  A:All right, I'll get it for you.

  Words and Expressions

  cuisine n.烹饪,烹饪法

  light a.清淡的,易消化的

  heavy a.难消化的

  spicy a.香的,加香料的

  Cantonese a.广州的

  speciality n.特制品,特产

  roast suckling pig 烤乳猪

  roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭

  hot a.刺激的,辣的

  chilli n.(干)辣椒

  feature n.特征,特色

  oily a.浸透油的,油腻的

  greasy a.油腻的

  saute a.嫩煎的,用少量油快炸的

  lobster n.大螯虾;龙虾

  mushroom n.蘑菇

  specification n.规格,说明书

  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  213.Where would you like to sit?


  214.We would like a table by the window so that we can en-joy the view of the lake.


  215.I'm sorry, sir. The window tables have all been taken.


  216.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?


  217.Would you follow me,please?


  218.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.


  219.I'm sorry,the house is full now.


  220.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.


  221.And it is on…?


  222.Now would you please take a seat and wait over there?


  223.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.


  224.Would you come this way,please?


  225.I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at resent.


  226.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?


  227.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.


  228.Would you step this way,please?


  Dialogue A

  Seating Hostess:How many,please?

  Mr.Morris:Two on Mr.Morris.

  Seating Hostess:Where would you like to sit?

  Mr.Morris:We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.

  Seating Hostess:I'm sorry,sir.The window tables have all been taken.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?

  Mr.Morris:That's fine if that is what you've got.

  Seating Hostess:Thank you.Would you follow me,please?This is your table.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.

  Busboy:Your iced water.

  Mr.and Mrs.Morris:Thank you.

  Dialogue B

  Seating Hostess:Good evening,sir.I'm sorry,the house is full now.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.

  Guest A:How long do you think we will have to wait?

  Seating Hostess:I'd say at least 20 minutes.

  Guest B:(to guest A)Oh,that's too long.I think we'd better try another place.

  Guest A:OK.Thank you anyway.

  Guest C:(to guest D)We can wait 20 minutes,Lucy,can't we?

  Guest D:Yes,20 minutes is all right. We are not terribly hungry.

  Seating Hostess:Good.So it's just the two of you.

  Guest C:Yes, just we two.

  Seating Hostess:And it is on…?

  Guest C:Mr.Rogers.

  Seating Hostess:OK.Thank you. Now would you please take a seat and wait over there? We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.

  Guest C and D:Thank you.

  (after a little more than 10 minutes)

  Seating Hostess:Mr.Rogers?

  Guest C:Yes,here.

  Seating Hostess:Would you come this way,please? Here is your table.Please take your seats.Your waiter will be right with you.

  Guest C and D:Thank you.

  Dialogue C

  (A:Waiter B:Guest)

  A:Good evening,sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant.Have you a reservation,sir?

  B:I'm afraid I haven't. Have you a table for two?

  A:I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at present.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes.I'll seat you if the table is ready.

  B:It sounds nice.Nancy,let's go to the lounge then.(Five minutes later.)

  A:I am sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.Now we have a table for you.Would you step this way,please?

  B:(Mr.Smith suddenly catches sight of a table near the window.) May we sit there a table by the window?

  A:Oh, that table has been reserved.

  B:It's a pity.

  A:Well, the table in the corner is quite good.It's near the band platform.There will be a performance during the meal time.You could enjoy it comfortably.

  B:OK.I'll listen to you.

  (The waiter pulls the chair out and helps Mrs.Smith to take the seat.)

  A:Have you anything on mind what drinks you are going to have tonight?


  A:I'll bring them to you right away.

  Words and Expressions

  vacant a.空的,闲的

  lounge n.休息室

  sprite n.雪碧
  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  260.Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion.


  261.And I have ordered another dish—plain fried shrimps.


  262.It's coming.


  263.It's sweet and sour pork.


  264.I'm afraid there is a mistake.I ordered a sweet and sour fish.


  266.Excuse me,sir.I ordered the hairy crab,but you gave me the green crab.


  267.I'll get you the head-waiter.


  268.I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish.


  269.I'll change it immediately for you.


  270.I'm afraid I don't have enough time to wait for the next crab.


  271.I shall ask the Room Service to serve you a snack at9∶30 tonight,and you'll have your favorite hairy crab.


  272.And now try the green crab if you don't mind.


  273.Please take your time and enjoy yourself.


  Dialogue A

  A:Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion.

  B:Mm,It looks good.And I have ordered another dish-plain fried shrimps.

  A:It's coming.

  B:What is this?

  A:It's sweet and sour pork.

  B:I'm afraid there is a mistake.I ordered a sweet and sour fish.

  A:I'm sorry,sir. I got it wrong. Will you keep the sweet and sour pork,or should I get the sweet and sour fish for you?

  B:That's all right.I'll take it anyway.

  A:Thank you very much.

  Dialogue B

  Mr Bell(B) is having his last dish.He finds it different from what he has ordered.

  B:Excuse me, sir. I ordered the hairy crab but you gave me the green crab.

  Waiter(W):I'm sorry, sir.I'll get you the head-waiter.(Soon the head-waiter(HW)comes.)

  HW:I'm awfully sorry.There must have been some mistake.I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish.I'll change it immediately for you.The crab will take 15minutes to prepare.Would you take come complimentary drink while waiting?

  B:I'm afraid I don't have enough time to wait for the next crab.I have an appointment at 7∶00 in my room.Now it's 6∶45.

  HW:Oh, you are staying at our hotel.Mr…

  B:Bell,Henry Bell.


  B:Room 908.

  HW:Oh,Mr Bell,I shall ask the Room Service to serve you a snack at 9∶30 tonight,and you'll have your favorite hairy crab.It's all on the house.And now try the green crab if you don't mind.We'll cross the green crab off the bill.

  B:That's good.Thank you.

  HW:Thank you for telling us,Mr Bell.I assure you it won't happen again.Please take your time and enjoy yourself.And I hope you have a good time at our hotel.

  Words and Expressions

  shrimp n.虾

  plain fried shrimps 清炒虾仁

  sour a.酸味的

  sweet and sour pork 糖醋肉

  apologize vi.道歉

  complimentary a.免费赠送的本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-16
很全了```` 但是菜名有很多```不能一一说了