
各位高手: ? ?我是个新手,请大家多多指点. ? ?sap中的功能范围是否设置各个部门的如管理部门 制造部门等,如果是那与成本中心有何区别 呢?还有业务范围又起何作用呢? ? 因刚接触,可能此问题对於前辈来讲是个小问题,还望前辈们不吝赐教,我在此先行谢过,谢谢啦

第1个回答  2013-04-08
功能范围的确可以用于区分管理部门、制造部门,而成本中心是费用核算的最小功能单位。 两者结合可以用于出中国格式的损益表,即是:某些成本中是是管理费用,某些成本中心是制造 费用,期末可以按功能范围出损益表,直接得
第2个回答  2013-04-08
Business areas are used for internal purposes to create B/S and P/L statement or alternatively can be used to meet external segment reporting requirements.You can set up several business areas to which the system can assign postings made in any company code defined within a client.So it may be used to facilitate external segment reporting across company codes,covering the company's main areas of operation (product lines,subsidiaries).It's known, With EC-CS, you can perform legal and management consolidations,the basis for this are business area, organization units company,and profit center.Generally speaking,Europe companies like to output the reports by business area;On the contrary,America Companies like to output the reports by profit center.
第3个回答  2013-04-08
'business area'可以视为一个自定义的组织,可以跨公司,可以按产品线区分,也可以按事业部 划分等等,最终目的是按Business area出资产负债表和损益表!!!