break out什么意思


第1个回答  2023-06-22

Break out是英语中的一个短语,常用于口语和书面语中,表示“突然发生”、“爆发”、“逃脱”等含义。具体来说,break out的意思和用法如下:

    突然发生:Break out常用来描述某种不寻常或意外事件的突然发生。例如,The fire broke out in the middle of the night.(火灾在半夜突然爆发了。);War broke out between the two countries.(两国之间爆发了战争。);A fight broke out in the bar.(酒吧里发生了打斗。)

    爆发:Break out也可以用来描述某种情感、疾病或症状的爆发。例如,She broke out crying when she heard the news.(她听到消息后哭闹起来。);My skin broke out in a rash after I ate the seafood.(我吃了海鲜后皮肤发生了荨麻疹。);The virus broke out in the city and spread quickly.(病毒在城市中爆发并迅速扩散。)

    逃脱:Break out也可以表示逃脱或越狱。例如,The prisoners broke out of jail last night.(犯人昨晚越狱了。);She tried to break out of the room, but the door was locked.(她试图逃出房间,但门被锁住了。)

    突然开始:Break out还可以表示某种行为或状态的突然开始。例如,He suddenly broke out in a dance.(他突然开始跳起了舞。);The band broke out into a song.(乐队开始演奏一首歌曲。)
