
1.我的父母在这星期外出度假去了。(on holiday )
2.她周五去购物,她的妹妹去听音乐会了。(do some shopping)
3.我常常在饭后散步。(go for a walk)

第1个回答  2008-07-01
.我的父母在这星期外出度假去了。(on holiday )
My parents are on holiday this week.
她周五去购物,她的妹妹去听音乐会了。(do some shopping)
She went to do some shopping Friday and her sister went to a concert.
我常常在饭后散步。(go for a walk)
I always go for a walk after supper .
第2个回答  2008-07-01
My parents are going on a holiday this now
我认为这里要用进行时 因为on holiday 表示正在度假

She did some shopping on Friday, and her sister
listened to the concert
I often go for a walk after meal

还是认为 第一句改成这样更合题意

My parents are on holiday this week
第3个回答  2008-07-01
My parerns will go for a holiday this week
she done some shopping and her sister went to concert this Friday
I always go for a walk after dinner
1和2也许时态有点错误 我不敢肯定哦
第4个回答  2008-07-01
My parents are on holiday this week. (Actually use "on vacation" is better.)
She is going to do some shopping on Friday while her younger sister going to concert. ( Actually use " go shopping" is better.)
I always go for a walk after supper.本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2008-07-01
My parents went on holiday this week.
She did some shopping on Friday,and her younger sister went to a concert.
I always go for a walk after dinner.