英语中提建议的方式 7种,急!急! 急!


第1个回答  2013-08-14
In my view, you'd(do)In my point, you'd (do)I propose (that)I'm afraid (that) i don't agree with you it would better thatI argue (that)I suggest (that)I recommend (doing) recommend: when used as Vi, it means SUGGEST
第2个回答  2013-08-14
i suggest thati advise that
第3个回答  2013-08-14
1、Let's do sth.
这是英语中一个十分常用的句式。直接提出建议。有时,在后面加入“shall we?”,使语气更加委婉。例如:
It's very hot. Let's stop to have a rest. 天很热。我们停下来休息片刻吧。
There are many people over there. Let's go and see what's happening. 那边有很多人。我们去看看出了什么事。
Let's go to the cinema this afternoon, shall we? 今天下午我们去看电影,可以吗?

2、Shall we … ?
Shall we climb hills this Sunday? 这个星期日我们爬山好吗?
Shall we go skating tomorrow? 明天我们去滑冰可以吗?

3、What / How about (doing) sth.
What a sunny day it is today! What about to the zoo? 今天真睛朗!我们去动物园怎么样?
How about (having) a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?

4、Why not do sth. (= Why don't you do sth.)?
Your car is very old. Why not buy a new one? 你的车太旧了。何不买一辆新的呢?
There's something wrong with your radio. Why not ask Uncle Wang to repair it. 你的收音机有毛病。为什么不让王叔叔修理一下呢?

5、You'd better (not) do sth.
Your English is quite weak. You'd better spend more time learning it. 你的英语很差。你最好多花费些时间学英语。
You'd better not climb that tree, or you'll hurt yourself one day. 你最好不要爬那棵树,否则,总有一天你会受伤的。

6、I advise you (not) to do sth.
He's not a good boy. I advise you to keep away from him. 他不是一个好孩子。我建议你离他远一些。
It's very cold outside. I advise you to put on more clothes. 外面很冷。我建议你多穿些衣服。

7、I suggest (that) you (should) do sth.
I suggest you work hard at your lessons, or you'll fall behind. 我建议你努力学习功课,否则,你就会落后。
I suggest you eat less food and take more exercise. 我建议你少吃,多运动。

I think you should buy that dictionary. 我认为你应该买下那部词典。
I'm afraid you have to finish the work today. 恐怕你今天就得完成这项工作