

I have been stationed in Germany for about two and a half years. Here are a few reasons that I have found to hate Germany.我曾在德国住过两年半,让我告诉你我为何如此讨厌德国。
1. Germany is a VERY repressive country. there is "free speech", but it is only a front. You can get in trouble for speaking out about almost anything that the government does.德国-压抑的国度。言论自由只是假象,只要谈论和政府行为有关的问题你就会陷入麻烦。
2. Not all, but most Germans that I have had the misfortune of meeting, are very cold people. They will avoid friendliness at all costs.德国人,冷漠,毫不友好。
3. Prices are high, and Germans will charge for everything. I can not call customer service for my internet connection or even my cell phone contract without paying at least a 1 Euro connection fee, and 19 Euro cents per minute.物价高,什么东西德国人都会找你要钱。连个网打电话找个客服都要花高价。
4. The weather sucks except for three weeks out of the year. Period…天气差,一年好天气不超过三周。
5. The autobahn is extremely difficult to navigate without a GPS system.高速公路没GDP等于迷路
6. The autobahn is constantly under repair, and the road crews are so lazy that it will take almost two years to repair a 10K stretch of road.高速公路动不动维修,工人懒,两年修不好一截路。
7. Germans "know" better than you about any subject. Period… 自以为是的德国人觉得什么都比你懂得多。
8. Germans do not understand the concept of privacy. The stereotypical nosy old woman, is an every day occurrence here.德国人不懂隐私的概念,典型的爱嚼舌根的老女人,在这非常常见。
9. You have to pay to use the restroom in many public places, and it isn't cheap. I have even been refused the chance to use the restroom because I was two cents short.公共厕所全收费,而且很贵。我曾在厕所门口差点尿裤子,因为我差两分钱所以冷酷拒绝入内。
10. Germans will call the police on you for almost anything.德国人会因为任何事情报警举报你
11. When they do call the police, the police are allowed to take up to a 40 Euro bribe on the spot. Be prepared to pay off the police for anything. They will even drive you to the ATM to withdraw the money.当他们真的报警了,警察被准许当场收取不超过40欧元的贿赂。准备好钱,否则他们会开警车送你去ATM取钱。
12. There are miles of paperwork to go through to do anything in this country.在这个国家,做任何事情都要写一大堆文字报告、说明。
13. Germans are paranoid of violence. Don't buy any violent movies or video games in this country or you will be sadly disappointed by all of the censorship.德国人有暴力妄想症。在这不要买任何和暴力有关的游戏或者电影,否则你会被审查整绝望。
14. BMW's aren't as nice as you would think.宝马公司一点也不像你想的那样友好。
15. Neither are Mercedes'.奔驰也是。
第1个回答  2016-01-05
IT, 香港有很多IT专卖店都会看到

第2个回答  2013-12-14
IT, 香港有很多IT专卖店都会看到。望采纳
第3个回答  2013-12-13

