

第1个回答  2013-07-31
The new century is approaching. It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century. First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the transformation of genes. With the same technology they can breed new species of animals and even human life in the laboratory. Most important of all, they can decelerate aging and prolong life. Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or star. Most probably life will be found in other stars in universe or the planets or stars suitable for the human existence will be discovered. However, the scientific development will also bring about some social problems. How should we regard from an ethical perspective the one who is bred through the gene technology in the laboratory. How can the police identify the criminal from a group of people with the same DNA? It is quite natural that we will meet problems in the scientific and social development. Therefore, we should be prepared to meet new challenges. 汇众动漫学院 http://sjza.gamfe.com/
第2个回答  2020-09-21
我说,是科技的发展推动了人类的进程,是科技的发展才使人类有着这崭新又美好的生活。纵观千古,哪朝哪代不是重视科技的发展? 科技发展是强国之路,科技发展是中华民族进步的第一动力,没有科学,我们哪来的今天的幸福生活?没有科技,我们哪来的舒适的物质生活与精神享受?没有科技的进步,我们哪能吃到杂交二号?我们哪能穿上全棉衣服,哪能住进高楼大厦?




所以说,科技改变历史,我们探讨科技的发展利大还是弊大是不需要质疑的,因为就是利大!利大!利大!科技改变历史, 是科技发展救了我们,是科学把我们从水深火热的年代拯救了出来。科技改变历史,知识改变命运。我们跨入了21世纪,跨入了一个充满高科技的时代。科学改变了我们的生活,科学改变了我们的命运。“
