
the iron stood up straight slowly.he turned till he was looking directly at hogarth,we're sorry we trapped you ang buried you again follow us and you can have all the metal you want,brass too,alminium too and lots of chorme.follow us ."The iron man pushed aside the boughs and came into the lane.hogarth joined the farmers slowly.they drove back down the lane and slowly with all his cogs humming the iron man stepped after them.They led through the villages.half the people came out to stare half ran to shut themselves inside bedrooms and kitchens nobby could believe their eyes when they saw the iron man marching behind the farmers at last they came to the town and there was a jreat scrap-matal yard everything wes there old cars by the hundred old turcks old springs bedsteads bicy cres girders gates pans-all the scrap rion of the region was piled up there rusting away

第1个回答  2008-07-02
好多生词啊 搞不定了