
你的同学刘明生病住院了;昨天(Sunday,October 14)你和同学们带了鲜花去看他。他告诉你们他病得不重,医生给了一些药让他一天吃三次,两天后他就可以出院了;你们告诉他不用担心学习。等出院后,你们可以帮助他补课,并希望他能早日康复。

第1个回答  2013-01-22
Lily didn't come to school yesterday because she fell ill. So I went to see her in the hospital after school. She told me she had stomache often. I asked her what did she had yesterday, she said she had too much meat. I told her that she should have a balanced diet, such as more healthy food and stayed away from the junk food and meat. She thanked me for my advice.追问

请认真看题 不要盲目复制别人的好吗
