英语作文:一篇关于寻找家教兼职的广告(a brief ad)

现在是一名大二学生,想寻找一份家教兼职来赚取大三的生活费,to help families on the campus with their housework.

第1个回答  2012-12-25

Home tutor advertisement

I ama junior from a university. I provide highly qualified, and professional tutoring to students who may require tuition for any subject or level.



    I can travel to you and also teaches from home/office. Contact me for more details, please call me :  .

第2个回答  2012-12-25
Avialiable home tutor
I am a junior from a university, well experienced in home tutoring.
I have plenty of spare time this semister so that i can provide high quality , systematical help to your study, covered subjects from middle to high scool, I am confident that your study will become exciting and a multipier.
I am good at Chinese, English, Math,Physic,Chemistry,Biology,Especially English.

If there is anything I can help you, or you want more information, plz call 81845639;13467890234 for Liming
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