quite a few ; at least ; less that ;之间的区别

quite a few ; at least ; less that ;之间的区别是什么 。 除意思外,用法的不同,应在何时用哪个 ,能否详细解答一下。谢谢。

第1个回答  2013-09-16
quite a few 是“不少,相当多”的意思。at least 是“至少”的意思。 less that 是“少于”的意思。三者还是有很大的差别的。追问

那用法有什么不同吗 ?例如:at least 后应用什么形式, 或者有什么固定的搭配吗?


quite a few 后面一般接可数名词;
at least可以看做一个副词,可以用来修饰动词和be动词。例如:
You can find at least one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world.

Here are at least fifty students in the class.
