一、单选题 1、A: ________ the matter? B: I’m not feeling well. I’ve got bad toothache.

一、单选题1、A: ________ the matter? B: I’m not feeling well. I’ve got bad toothache.A.Why’sB.How’sC.What’s2、My ________ brother is two years ________ than I.A.older … olderB.elder … olderC.elder … elder3、A: ________ was there? B: Tim Brown.A.WhatB.HowC.Who4、A: ________ do you feel today? B: I feel very tired. I was very late last night.A.HowB.WhatC.Why5、Mary is ________ in maths than John.A.little interestedB.less interestedC.as interested6、A: Shall we play tennis? B: ________.A.That’s a good idea.B.Yes, lets.C.OK.7、A: ________ you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B: A beer, please.A.CouldB.WouldC.Should8、I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is ________ me.A.bad withB.worse thanC.less than9、Let’s ________ housewarming party.A.haveB.to haveC.having10、Would you like to ________ a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening?A.makeB.giveC.hold

第1个回答  2013-10-02
第2个回答  2013-09-21