
First the president submitted his administration’s muddled case for reprisa

第1个回答  2013-10-06
Syria’s chemical weapons: Distrust and verify
NEVER surrender the initiative. In handling Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria, Barack Obama has twice broken this basic rule of diplomacy. First the president submitted his administration’s muddled case for reprisals to a vote in a hostile Congress. Now he has handed the steering-wheel to Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president and no friend of America. Mr Putin is championing a scheme to disarm Syria’s poison gas and nerve agents.
Disarmament might yet work. But the danger is that Mr Assad will be free to duck and feint until what little determination there is to punish him dissipates like sarin in the Damascus breeze. To regain control, Mr Obama and his allies in the West should seek a tight UN resolution instructing Syria to co-operate. If either Mr Assad or Mr Putin cynically obstructs the UN, then America should even now be ready to strike.
The best outcome of all
Russia’s proposal came after John Kerry, Mr Obama’s secretary of state, told a press conference, in a throwaway remark, that the Syrian regime could escape a strike only if it gave up its chemical weapons—not that it ever would. Russia seized on his words and proposed precisely that. Mr Assad, it said, should agree to the eradication of his chemical weapons under Russia and UN supervision. That would stop him launching another nerve-agent attack like the one on August 21st that killed almost 1, 500 people. It would prove that the world will not tolerate chemical warfare. And, after months spent talking past each other, the great powers would at last have a chance to work together in the UN to end Syria’s bloodshed.
The plan is seductive because it serves so many interests. Mr Assad would avoid an American strike of possibly devastating severity. He would also gain a rare chance to look reasonable—or, at least, more reasonable than Syria’s al-Qaeda-infested rebels. In a display of statesmanship, Mr Putin could point out that diplomacy can achieve so much more than the West’s knee-jerk calls for regime change. To some, that would redeem his support of Mr Assad during the brutal civil war. Mr Obama would be spared the likely humiliation of defeats over Syria in Congress. He could claim that his brilliant strategy has borne fruit. American voters, relieved not to be going to war yet again, might even believe him.
Unfortunately, though, the chances are that something will go wrong. Even if all sides enter into the agreement in good faith, the practicalities are daunting (see article). Any operation to destroy Syria’s arsenal could take years. While civil war rages, it will be hard to protect UN inspectors and for them to have access to all Syria’s chemical sites. Trust is almost non-existent, so the inspectors will need the freedom to go where they choose when they choose. That will be hard, too.
What if good faith is lacking? Saddam Hussein showed in Iraq how a regime that is minded to be awkward can play cat and mouse with weapons inspectors. The scope for Mr Assad to frustrate disarmament without ever rejecting it outright is almost infinite. Thanks to the past few weeks, he now knows that voters in the West have no stomach for striking Syria. The British prime minister suffered a defeat in parliament. The French president, a hero for dispatching troops to Mali at the start of this year, is apparently a zero for wanting to strike Mr Assad. Mr Obama’s efforts to convince his countrymen of the case for going to war seem so far only to have strengthened their desire to stay at home.
A vague, open-ended plan would therefore be a blueprint for Mr Assad to get away with his crime. So long as he made a few conciliatory gestures and refrained from another chemical attack, he would be able to hang on to at least some of his chemical weapons. He would also be freer than ever to do his worst against his own people, certain that no outside power was about to step in to protect them.
第2个回答  2013-10-18




俄罗斯的建议后,奥巴马的国务卿约翰·克里,在记者招待会上,暴殄天物的话,那只有当它放弃了化学武器,不在于它永远将叙利亚政权能逃脱罢工。俄罗斯抓住他的话,恰恰是提出。阿萨德先生说,应该同意他的化学武器消灭俄罗斯和联合国的监督下。这将启动另一个像一个8月21日,杀害了近1 ,500人的神经毒剂攻击阻止他。这将证明,这个世界不会容忍化学战。而且,经过几个月花在谈论对方的过去,伟大的权力将有机会在联合国共同努力,结束叙利亚的流血。

该计划是诱人的,因为它是如此多的利益。阿萨德先生将避免一个美国打击可能是毁灭性的严重性。他也将获得一个难得的机会,寻找合理的,至少,更合理,比叙利亚的基地组织( al - Qaeda )出没的叛军。在显示政治家,普京指出,外交可以实现这么多比西方的下意识的呼吁政权更迭。一些人认为,这会赎回他支持阿萨德先生在残酷的内战。奥巴马将不遗余力击败了叙利亚在国会中可能出现的屈辱。他声称,他辉煌的战略已见成效。美国选民,不是去打仗又释然,甚至可能会相信他的话。

不幸的是,虽然,很有可能会出错。即使双方签订的协议,以诚信,实际是艰巨(见文章) 。任何操作摧毁叙利亚的阿森纳可能需要数年时间。虽然内战肆虐,这将是很难的,以保护联合国核查人员,并为他们访问叙利亚的所有化学网站。信托几乎是不存在的,所以,检查员将需要去的地方,他们选择时,他们选择的自由。这将是硬,太。

