

第1个回答  2022-12-10

price    英[praɪs]    美[praɪs]    



1. N-COUNT The price of something is the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy it. 价格

2. N-SING The price that you pay for something that you want is an unpleasant thing that you have to do or suffer in order to get it. 代价

3.V-T If something is priced at a particular amount, the price is set at that amount. 将…定价

4.pricing N-UNCOUNT 定价

5. → see also retail price index, selling price

6. PHRASE If you want something at any price, you are determined to get it, even if unpleasant things happen as a result. 不惜任何代价

7.PHRASE If you can buy something that you want at a price, it is for sale, but it is extremely expensive. 以极高的价格例:Most goods are available, but at a price. 大部分商品都可以买到,但价格昂贵。

8. PHRASE If you get something that you want at a price, you get it but something unpleasant happens as a result. 以一定代价例:Fame comes at a price. 成名是要付出代价的。

9. to price yourself out of the market →see market
