

第1个回答  2022-10-27
drink like a fish A guy hosted a dinner party for people from work
including his boss. All during the sit-down dinner
the host's three-year-old girl stared at her father's boss sitting across from her. The girl could hardly eat her food for staring. The man checked his tie
felt his face for food
patted his hair in place
but nothing stopped her from staring at him. He tried his best to ignore her but
finally it was too much for him. He asked her
"Why are you staring at me.?" Everyone at the table had noticed her behaviour and the table went quiet for her response. The little girl said
"My Daddy said you drink like a fish and I don't want to miss it!"牛饮某人举办一场宴会招待他的同事,包括他的老板。 吃饭的时候,男主人的3岁小女儿目不转睛地盯着对面她父亲的老板看,甚至没有吃东西。 老板先检查了领事,然后抹抹脸上看有没有食物,再整整头发。那小女孩依然盯着他看。他尽力不去注意这事,但这太难了。他忍不住问小女孩:“你为什么老盯着我看?” 桌子上的每个人都注意到了这事,安静地盼着她的回答。 小女孩说:“爸爸说你象牛饮,我可不想错过看到!”
